Eversense naudotojai

The easiest way to use Eversense with AAPS is to install the EU or US modified Eversense app (and uninstall the original one first).

Warning: by uninstalling the old app, your local historical data older than one week will be lost!

  • To get your data to AAPS, you need to install ESEL and enable „Send to AAPS and xDrip“, disable „Send to NightScout“.

ESEL Broadcast

Eversense gliukozės duomenys kartais gali triukšmauti, taigi siūlome ESEL programoje pasirinkti „Sklandūs duomenys“, nes tai yra geriau nei naudoti AAPS „Visada naudoti trumpą vidutinę deltą, o ne paprastą deltą“.

  • Set „MM640g“ as BG source in in ConfigBuilder, BG Source.

You can find the instruction for using xDrip with an Eversense here.