How to edit the docs

Esta descripción es sólo para editar la documentación en inglés. All new information must be added in English first. Si desea traducir a otros idiomas (gracias), por favor use crowdin.

For hints how to format text (headline, bold…) and set links please see the «code syntax» section of this page.


For any questions, feedback or new ideas you can contact the documentation team via discord.

At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is how your changes in the documentation are actually put onto the AAPS webpages, which are stored in GitHub. It’s actually not too hard to do a PR and it is a great way to contribute. You are reading this documentation right now because people like you made PRs. Don’t worry about making a mistake or somehow editing the wrong documents. Your changes are reviewed before they are merged into the «formal» AAPS documentation repository. You can’t mess up the originals through any accidents in the process. The general process is:

  • Realice ediciones y mejoras en el código o la documentación editando el contenido existente.

  • Vuelva a comprobar que sus ediciones se vean bien para usted.

  • Hagan algunas notas de lo que ha cambiado para que la gente entienda las modificaciones.

  • Cree una solicitud de modificación, que solicite a los administradores que utilicen los cambios.

  • Van a realizar una revisión y (1) fusionar los cambios, (2) volver a comentar acerca de los cambios, o (3) iniciar un nuevo documento con los cambios.

(Nota complementaria: Si eres un alumno visual, hay un video de YouTube aquí mostrando el flujo de trabajo de PR.)

Por nuestro ejemplo, vamos a hacer una edición a AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access).

  1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository.

Repositorio Fork

  1. Go to any page and navigate to the page you want to edit. Haz clic en la caja negra en la parte inferior izquierda de la página con la palabra verde «v: latest» o similar. En la ventana emergente que aparece, haga clic en la palabra «edit» para editarla en GitHub.

editar doc

Or you can click on the «Edit in GitHub» link in the upper right corner, and then click the pencil icon that appears in the top bar of the page contents to be edited. You will need to be already logged into your Github account to do this (if you don’t have one, they are straightforward to set up).

RTD io

  1. One or the other of the options in Step 2 will create a new branch in YOUR repository where your edits will be saved. Make your edits to the file.

We are using markdown for the docs pages. The file have got the suffix «.md».The Markdown specification is not fixed and we use at the moment the myst_parser for our markdown files. Take care to use the correct syntax as described below.

Edit branch

  1. Ha estado trabajando en la pestaña «<>Edit file». Seleccione la pestaña «Preview changes» para refrescar la vista asegúrese de que todo lo que ha cambiado se parece a lo que ha significado (typpos sic). Si ve una mejora necesaria, vuelva a la pestaña de edición para realizar más mejoras.

preview mode

  1. Cuando haya terminado de realizar las ediciones, desplácese hasta la parte inferior de la página. En el recuadro situado en la parte inferior, proporcione sus comentarios en el campo de texto que lee, «Add an optional extended description…». El título predeterminado tiene el nombre de archivo. Intente incluir una frase que explique la razón para el cambio. Describir la razón ayuda a los revisores a entender lo que estás intentando hacer con la PR.

commit comments

  1. Haga clic en el botón verde «Propose file changes» o «Commit changes». En la página que aparece, pulse «Create Pull Request» y otra vez en la página siguiente, pulse «Create Pull Request».

create pull request

  1. Eso completa la apertura de una solicitud de PR. GitHub asigna al PR un número, ubicado después del título y una marca de hash. Return to this page to check for feedback (or, if you have GitHub notifications emailed to you, you will get emails notifying you of any activity on the PR). The edit will now be in a list of PR’s that the team will review and potentially give feedback on before committing to the main documentation for AAPS! Si quieres ver el progreso de la PR, puedes hacer clic en el logo de la campana en la esquina superior derecha de tu cuenta de GitHub y ver todos tus PRs.

PR tracking

PS: Your fork and branch will still be sitting on your own personal GitHub account. After you get a notification that your PR has been merged, you can delete your branch if you are done with it (Step 8’s notification area will provide a link to delete the branch once it has been closed or merged). For future edits, if you follow this procedure the edits will always start with an updated version of the AndroidAPSdocs repositories. If you choose to use another method to start a PR request (e.g., editing starting from your forked repo’s master branch as the starting point), you will need to ensure your repo is up-to-date by performing a «compare» first and merging in any updates that have happened since you last updated your fork. Since people tend to forget to update their repos, we recommend using the PR process outlined above until you get familiar with performing «compares».

Sintaxis del código

We are using markdown for the documentation pages. The files have got the suffix «.md».

Markdown is a very simple text formating language which separates text content from text formating.

The writer only e.g. marks a headline as level 1 headline and the markdown processor generates the necessary HTML code during processing to render the heading in HTML.

The idea behind this is that

  • the writer should think about the text and not the formatting first,

  • the markdown text is open for exchange between different markdown tools instead of e.g. proprietary tools like Microsoft Windows and

  • you can generate several output formats from one markdown file.

Markdown is not a 100% fixed standard and we try to stay as near as possible to the standard, to

  • stay flexible to change markdown tools as needed or forced in the further innovation of markdown tools and markdown SaaS services and

  • enable us to use translation services to translate the English language in a target language like French or German. They can work on markdown but not complex formatting codes, because they can’t separate content from layout, which might be fatal.


  • Headline 1: # headline

  • Headline 2: ## headline

  • Headline 3: ### headline

  • Headline 4: #### headline

We try to avoid further levels of headlines.

Text format

  • bold: **text**

  • italic: *text*

  • bold italic: ***text***

Ordered list

1. first
1. second
1. third
  1. first

  2. second

  3. third

Unordered list

- one element
- another element
- and another element
  • one element

  • another element

  • and another element

Multi level list

You can insert lists in lists by indenting the next level with 4 more spaces to the right than the one before.

1. first
1. second
1. third
  1. one element
  1. another element
  1. and another element
1. four
1. five
1. six
  1. first

  2. second

  3. third

    1. one element

    2. another element

    3. and another element

  4. four

  5. five

  6. six


To include images you use this markdown syntax.

  • images: ![alt text](../images/file.png)

The type of image should be PNG or JPEG.

Images names should confirm to one of following naming rules. In the example I use png as suffix. In case you use JPEG please use jpeg as a suffix instead.

  • filename-image-xx.png where xx is a unique double digit number for the images in this file.

  • filename-image-xx.png where xx is a meaning full name for the author of the md file.

Images are located in the images folder for the english language and propagated to the other languages automatically by Crowdin. You have nothing to do for this!

We are not translating images at the moment.

(make-a-PR-image-size)= Use a reasonable size for the images which must be readable on PC, tablet and mobiles.

  • Screenshots from web pages images should be up to 1050 pixels wide.

  • Diagrams of process flows should be up to 1050 pixels wide.

  • Screenshots from the app should be up to 500 pixels wide.

Notes, Warnings, Collapsing Notes

You can add notes and warning boxes to documentation.

Furthermore you can add collapsing notes for detailed information which would users who are not interested in the details quench to read the text at all. Please use these carefully as the documentation should be as easy to read as possible.


```{admonition} Note headline
:class: note
This is a note.

Note headline :class: note This is a note.

<br />#### Warnings

```{admonition} Warning
:class: warning
This is a warning.

```{admonition} Warning headline 
:class: warning
This is a warning.

#### Collapsing Notes

{admonition} further detailed readings for interested readers
:class: dropdown

This admonition has been collapsed,
meaning you can add longer form content here,
without it taking up too much space on the page.


Avoid using tables with long texts as the contents is difficult to set in Markdown, they will usually not fit in a mobile phone screen width, and probably won’t display the same after translation.

Style Guide


  1. English language writing tips

  2. AAPS-specific writing notes

  3. Useful references

Image 1. English language writing tips

Use language that is appropriate for the reader

Use plain English wherever possible. This helps non-native readers and also aids translation of AAPS documents into other languages. Write in a conversational way with the user, imagine you are sitting across the desk from the person you are writing for. Remember - most AAPS users do not have programming backgrounds. Diabetes itself also has a lot of jargon and abbreviations. Bear in mind that some people may be recently diagnosed, may not be as experienced as you with diabetes, or may have been given different diabetes training. If you use shorthand or an abbreviation, write it out in full the first time you use it, giving the abbreviation directly after it in brackets, like “super micro bolus (SMB)”. Also, link to the glossary. Technical terms which might not be familiar to the reader can be also be added in brackets.

Instead of: “What causes high postprandial BG peaks in closed loop?»

Use: “What causes a high BG peak after lunch (postprandial) in closed loop?»

Use plain words that everyone can understand

Find an A-Z of alternative words to make your writing easier to understand here:

Privacy/licensing concerns:

Particularly if you record video or screenshots, make sure not to disclose your private details (API key, passwords). Make sure YouTube content is not openly listed, and needs a link from the documentation to view. Avoid drawing attention to infringed copyrighted materials (BYODA etc).

Keep sentences short, get to the point

  • Clear writing should have an average sentence length of 15 to 20 words.

  • This does not mean making every sentence the same length. Be punchy. Vary your writing by mixing short sentences (like the last one) with longer ones (like this one).

  • Stick to one main idea in a sentence, plus perhaps one other related point.

  • You may still find yourself writing the odd long sentence, especially when trying to explain a complicated point. But most long sentences can be broken up in some way.

  • Remove weak words: “you can”, “there is/are/were”, “in order to”.

  • Place keywords near the beginning of titles, sentences and paragraphs.

  • Be visual! Wherever possible provide a brief diagram, screenshot or video.

Don’t be afraid to give instructions

Commands are the fastest way to give instructions, but writers sometimes fear giving commands, writing “you should do this” instead of just “do this”. Perhaps people worry that commands sound too harsh. You can often solve this by putting the word “please” in front. However, if something must be done, it is best not to say ‘please’ as it gives the reader the option to refuse.

Instead of: “You should just think of it as a complete statement.»

Use: “Think of it as a complete statement.”

Mostly use active verbs, rather than passive verbs

Example of an active verb:

  • “The pump (subject) delivers (verb) the insulin (object).”

“delivers” is an active verb here. The sentence says what is doing the delivering before it says what is being delivered.

Example of a passive verb:

  • “The insulin (subject) is delivered (verb) by the pump (object)”

“delivered” a passive verb here. The subject and object are switched around, compared to the active verb sentence. We have had to make the sentence longer by introducing “is” and “by the”. Also consider starting with the active verb.

Instead of: “You can connect your pump with the phone through the AAPS pump menu, and there are a number of pumps available for you to connect with.”

Use: “Connect your desired pump to the phone through the AAPS pump menu.”

Passive verbs can cause problems:

  • They can be confusing.

  • They often make writing more long-winded.

  • They make writing less lively.

Good uses of passives

There are times when it might be appropriate to use a passive.

  • To make something less hostile - “this bill has not been paid” (passive) is softer than “you have not paid this bill” (active).

  • To avoid taking the blame - “a mistake was made” (passive) rather than “You made a mistake” (active).

  • When you don’t know who or what the doer is - “the England team has been picked”.

  • If it simply sounds better.

Avoid nominalisations

A nominalisation is the name of something that isn’t a physical object, such as a process, technique or emotion. Nominalizations are formed from verbs.

For example:











They are often used instead of the verbs they come from, but they can sound as if nothing is actually happening. Too many of them can make writing very dull and heavy-going.

Instead of: “The implementation of the method has been done by a team.”

Use: “A team has implemented the method.”

Use lists where appropriate

Lists are excellent for splitting information up. There are two main types of list:

  • A continuous sentence with several listed points picked out at the beginning, middle or end.

  • Separate bullet points with an introductory statement.

In the bulleted list above, each point is a complete sentence so they each start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Use bullet points rather than numbers or letters, as they draw your attention to each point without giving you extra information to take in.


  • You can start a sentence with and, but, because, so or however.

  • You can split infinitives. So you can say “to boldly go”.

  • You can end a sentence with a preposition. In fact, it is something we should stand up for.

  • And you can use the same word twice in a sentence if you can’t find a better word.

Optimizing writing style by purpose

To keep the documentation clear and short, we write different sections of the documentation in different styles.

An “explanation” style is used for the introduction, background and knowledge development sections.

A “How-to-guide” style (with minimal explanation) is used for building, configuring AAPS, and some of the troubleshooting sections.

A tutorial helps the pupil acquire basic competence. The user will learn by doing.


Image Tutorials (e.g. teaching a kid to beat egg whites)
  • narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial you will (we) could be used to convey “we are in this together” frame-of-thought in some rare cases

  • Future Tense -> to show the final target

  • Imperative Tense -> to do the tasks -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts

  • Past Tense -> to show accomplished tasks -> Quick and immediate visible results

  • Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task - what and why

  • Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity

  • Step Transitions: finish a step with a sentence leading to the next step as a logical progression flow. Example: You have now installed the Let’s Encrypt client, but before obtaining certificates, you need to make sure that all required ports are open. To do this, you will update your firewall settings in the next step.

  • Tutorial Title (Level 1 heading)

  • Introduction (no heading)

  • Prerequisites (Level 2 heading)

  • Steps:

  • Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Conclusion (Level 2 heading)


Image How-To Guides (e.g. a recipe)

A how-to guide’s purpose is to help the already-competent user perform a particular task correctly.

  • HOW-to

  • narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial you will

  • Future Tense -> to show the final target

  • Conditional Imperative Tense -> to get X do y -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts

  • Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task -> what and why

  • Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity, but you can link to the reference entry or explanation entry

  • How-to: Title (Level 1 heading)

  • Introduction paragraph

  • Optional Prerequisites (paragraph or Level 2 heading if more than 1)

  • Steps:

  • Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading)

  • Conclusion paragraph


Image Explanation (e.g. Science behind why egg whites stiffen when you beat them)

An explanation clarifies, deepens and broadens the reader’s understanding of a subject.

  • WHY

  • Start with About

  • Provide context, link ALL relevant references

  • Discuss options/alternatives

  • Don’t instruct or provide reference (link to them)

  • State the unknown/moving targets etc…

  • About Title (Level 1 heading)

  • Introduction (no heading)

  • Optional Prerequisites (Level 2 heading)

  • Subtopic 1 (level 2 heading)

  • Conclusion (Level 2 heading)


2. AAPS-specific writing/updating notes

Author & Editor

For writing/updating the AAPS documentation, consider the process as consisting of two stages. These can be carried out by the same person at different points, or more than one person.

An author (e.g. you!) writes/edits a section of the documentation in a concise conversational tone, then passes it to the editor.

The editor (e.g. a fellow AAPS user, or the person who receives the pull request) reviews adherence to the style guide, edits the section for clarity and accessibility, removing as many words as possible (especially for tutorial/how-to sections). Reading the text out loud may help.

General AAPS points

  • For glucose values, state both mg/dl and mmol/l in each occurrence (also consider this for screenshots, if possible).

  • For consistency, use “AAPS” rather than “Android APS”.

  • Clearly state the version of Android Studio/AAPS you are writing for, or that the screenshots are taken from.

3. Useful References

Diátaxis (

Technical Writer Style Guide Examples | Technical Writer HQ

DigitalOcean’s Technical Writing Guidelines | DigitalOcean

Top 10 tips for Microsoft style and voice - Microsoft Style Guide | Microsoft Learn