How to translate AndroidAPS and the documentation

  • Go to or and login using your GitHub account

  • Send a join request to the docs team. To do so click on the flag of the desired language and then the button “Join” on the top right corner of the next page. Please specify language, give some information about you and your AAPS experience and if you want to be a translator or proofreader (only people skilled in translating + advanced AndroidAPS users).

  • When we approve you, click the flag When we approve you, click the flag

Translate strings for AndroidAPS app

  • Click strings.xml

    Click strings.xml

  • Translate sentences on left side by adding new translated text or use & edit suggestion

    Translation app

  • Proofreaders have to switch to Proofreading mode

    Proofreading mode app

    and approve translated texts

    approve text

Proofreader(번역검증자) 가 번역된 내용을 승인하면, AndroidAPS 다음 버전에 추가됩니다. 초기에는 기존에 번역된 내용을 검토하거나, 승인되지 않은 내용에서 오류가 없는지 확인하는 것이 좋으며, 이 후 문제가 없다면, 승인하면 됩니다.

Translate docs pages

  • Click the name of the docs page you want to translate

    Click docs page

  • Translate sentences by sentence

    1 Untranslated text is shown with red background on the left side.

    2 You can copy a proposal to the edit field by clicking on the proposal.

    3 Edit the proposal or write the translation yourself.

    4 Click save

    Translation docs

  • A translated page will not be published in docs before the translation is proofread.


  • Proofreaders have to switch to Proofreading mode

    Proofreading mode docs

    and approve translated texts

    approve text

  • When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next docs build. To speed process you can inform docs team about new translations.