AAPS išmaniajame laikrodyje su Wear OS

Galite instaliuoti AndroidAPS programėlę savo Wear OS pagrindu veikiančiame laikrodyje. AAPS versija laikrodžiui leidžia:

  • pateikti duomenis jūsų laikrodyje: naudojant pasirinktinį ciferblatą arba standartiniame ekrane, naudojant ekrano elementus

  • valdyti AAPS telefone: suleisti bolusą, nustatyti laikiną tikslą ir pan.

Prieš perkant laikrodį…

  • Kai kurioms funkcijoms, pavyzdžiui, ekrano elementams, reikia Wear OS 2.0 versijos “ arba naujesnės

  • „Google“ pervadino * Android Wear 1.x* į Wear OS iš versijos 2.x, todėl, jei nurodoma Android Wear, tai gali būti senesnė 1.x sistemos versija

  • Jei išmaniojo laikrodžio aprašyme nurodomas tik suderinamumas su Android ir iOS - tai nereiškia, kad jis veikia su Wear OS - tai gali būti šiek tiek kitos rūšies gamintojo specifinė OS , kuri nėra suderinama su AAPS!

  • Check list of tested phones and watches and ask community if in doubt if your watch will be supported

AAPS Wear OS versijos sukūrimas

The Wear OS App of AAPS has been seperated from the AAPS build for the Android mobile. Therefore you have to generate a second signed APK. Select as module „AndroidAPS.wear“ and as build variant „fullRelease“ and a second apk file for the Wear OS clock is generated when building the APK (or „pumpcontrolRelease“ which will allow you to just remote control the pump without looping).

From March 2021 you need to sideload AAPS onto the watch, it is no longer accessible via the watch’s Google Play Store. You can sideload using Wear Installer which you will need to install on both your watch and phone. The Wear Installer app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The linked video from Malcolm Bryant the developer of Wear Installer gives you detailed instructions to a) download the apk to your mobile b) setup the Android Debugger on the wear c) use Wear Installer on mobile and wear to sideload the AAPS wear app to the mobile. Once you have selected AndroidAPS as your app to upload wear version onto the watch you will be able to use watchfaces and complications and the AAPS controls.

Nustatymas telefone

Within AndroidAPS, in the ConfigBuilder you need to enable Wear plugin.

AAPS kontrolė laikrodyje

AndroidAPS galima valdyti naudojant Android Wear išmanųjį laikrodį. Pavyzdžiui, jei norite suleisti boliusą, tuomet laikrodžio nustatymuose turėtumėte įjungti „Valdymas iš laikrodžio“.

Iš laikrodžio galite paleisti šias funkcijas:

  • nustatyti laikiną tikslą

  • use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone)

  • administruoti iAV

  • administruoti bolusus (insulinas + angliavandeniai)

  • nustatyti parametrus laikrodyje

  • būsena

    • patikrinti pompos būseną

    • patikrinti ciklo būseną

    • patikrinti ir pakeisti profilį, CPP (Cirkadinio procento profilis = laiko postūmis + procentinė dalis)

    • parodyti TDD (Bendra paros dozė = bolusas + bazė per dieną)

AAPS ciferblatai

Yra keletas skaitmeninių ciferblatų, kurie rodo vidutinį delta pokytį, aktyvų insuliną, esamą laikiną bazinę ir bazinį profilį bei NGJ duomenų grafiką.

Įsitikinkite, kad AndroidAPS pranešimai nėra užblokuoti laikrodyje. Veiksmo patvirtinimas (pavyzdžiui, bolusas, laikini tikslai) įvyksta per pranešimus, kuriuos reikia patempti į šoną ir paspausti varnelę.

Norėdami greičiau patekti į AAPS meniu, du kartus spustelėkite ant KG. Dukart spustelėję glikemijos kreivę, galite pakeisti laiko skalę.

Galimi ciferblatai

Galimi ciferblatai

New watchface as of AndroidAPS 2.8

Watchface Digital Style

  • Color, lines and circle are configurable in setting menu on cog-sign of watchface chooser menu.

AAPSv2 laikrodžio ekranas - paaiškinimai

AndroidAPSv2 laikrodžio ekrano informacija

A - laikas nuo paskutinės ciklo veiklos

B - NGJ duomenys

C - minutės nuo paskutinių NGJ duomenų

D - pokytis, palyginti su praėjusiais NGJ duomenimis (mmol arba mg/dl),

E - vidutinis NGJ duomenų pokytis per pastarąsias 15 minučių

F - telefono baterija

G - valandinė bazė (vv/val, jei užprogramuota, arba % jei laikina)

H - įtaka kraujo glikemijai -> tikėtinas glikemijos pokytis, pagrįstas vien aktyviu insulinu.

I - angliavandeniai (aktyvūs angliavandeniai | e-angliavandeniai ateityje)

J - aktyvus insulinas (iš boluso | iš bazės)

Pasiekti pagrindinį AAPS meniu

Norėdami atidaryti pagrindinį AAPS meniu, galite naudoti šias parinktis:

  • dukart bakstelėkite į savo KG reikšmę

  • pasirinkite AAPS piktogramą laikrodžio programų meniu

  • bakstelėkite į AAPS funkciją (jei sukonfigūruota meniu)

Nustatymai (išmaniajame laikrodyje)

Norint pasiekti laikrodžio ekrano nustatymus, įeikite į AAPS pagrindinį meniu, paslinkite aukštyn ir pasirinkite „Nustatymai“.

Užpildyta žvaigždutė reiškia, kad būsena yra aktyvi (Įjungta), o tuščiavidurės žvaigžutės piktograma rodo, kad nustatymas yra išjungtas (Išjungta):

Nustatymai įjung/išjung

AAPS lydinčios programėlės parametrai

  • Vibruoti leidžiant bolusą (numatytasis Įjungta):

  • Vienetai (numatytasis mg/dl): jei Įjungta vienetai yra mg/dl, jei Išjungta vienetai yra mmol/l. Naudojama nustatant LT (laikiną tikslą) iš laikrodžio.

Laikrodžio ekrano nustatymai

  • Rodyti datą (numatyta - Išjungta): pastaba, data matoma ne visų laikrodžių ekranuose

  • Rodyti AIO (numatyta - Įjungta): rodyti, arba ne AIO reikšmes (nustatyti detalias reikšmes galite AAPS parametruose)

  • Rodyti AAO (numatyta Įjungta): Rodyti arba ne AAO

  • Rodyti delta (numatyta - Įjungta): rodyti arba ne KG reikšmių pokytį per paskutines 5 minutes

  • Rodyti AVGdelta (numatyta - Įjungta): rodyti arba ne vidutinius KG reikšmių kitimus per paskutines 15 minučių

  • Rodyti telefono bateriją (numatyta Įjungta): Telefono baterija %. Raudona, jei mažiau nei 30% .

  • Rodyti įrenginio bateriją (numatyta - Išjungta): įrenginio baterija yra telefono, pompos bei sensoriaus baterijų sintezė (paparastai žemiausia iš 3 reikšmių)

  • Rodyti valandinę bazę (numatyta - Įjungta): rodyti arba ne dabartinę valandinę bazę (V/val arba %, jei LVB)

  • Rodo ciklo būklę (numatyta - Įjungta): rodyti kiek minučių praėjo nuo paskutinio ciklo suveikimo (rodyklės aplink reikšmę tampa raudonos, jei virš 15 min.).

  • Rodyti KG (numatyta Įjungta): Rodyti, arba ne KG reikšmę

  • Rodyti krypties rodykles (numatyta Įjungta): Rodyti, arba ne KG kitimo rodyklę

  • Rodyti Prieš (numatytasis Įjungta): rodo, kiek minučių praėjo nuo paskutinio nuskaitymo.

  • Tamsus (numatyta Įjungta): galite perjungti iš juodo fono į baltą (išskyrus Cockpit ir Steampunk laikrodžio ekranus)

  • Išryškinti valandinę bazę (numatyta Išjungta): pagerinti valandinės bazės ir laikinos bazės matomumą

  • Atitikimo daliklis (numatyta Išjungta): AAPS, AAPSv2 ir AAPS(Didelis) laikrodžio ekranuose parodyti kontrastingą fono daliklį (Išjungta) arba atitikti daliklį su fono spalva (Įjungta)

  • Diagramos laikotarpis (numatyta 3 valandos): galite pasirinkti iš papildomo meniu maksimalų laikotarpį tarp 1 ir 5 valandų.

Vartotojo sąsajos nustatymas

  • Input Design: with this parameter, you can select the position of „+“ and „-“ buttons when you enter commands for AAPS (TT, Insulin, Carbs…)

Input design options

Specific watchface parameters

Steampunk ciferblatas

  • Delta Granularity (default Medium)


Apvalus ciferblatas

  • Big Numbers (default Off): Increase text size to improve visibility

  • Ring History (default Off): View graphically BG history with gray rings inside the hour’s green ring

  • Light Ring History (default On): Ring history more discreet with a darker gray

  • Animations (default On): When enabled, on supported by watch and not in power saving low-res mode, watchface circle will be animated

Commands settings

  • Wizard in Menu (default On): Allow wizard interface in main menu to input Carbs and set Bolus from watch

  • Prime in Menu (default Off): Allow Prime / Fill action from watch

  • Single Target (default On):

    • On: you set a single value for TT

    • Off: you set Low target and high target for TT

  • Wizard Percentage (default Off): Allow bolus correction from wizard (value entered in percentage before confirmation notification)

Ekrano elementai

Complication is a term from traditional watchmaking, where it describes addition to the main watchface - as another small window or sub-dial (with date, day of the week, moon phase, etc.). Wear OS 2.0 brings that metaphor to allow custom data providers, like weather, notifications, fitness counters and more - to be added to any watchfaces that support complications.

AndroidAPS Wear OS app supports complications since build 2.6, and allow any third party watchface that supports complications to be configured to display AAPS related data (BG with the trend, IOB, COB, etc.).

Complications also serve as shortcut to AAPS functions. By tapping them you can open AAPS related menus and dialogs (depending on complication type and configuration).


Complication Types

AAPS Wear OS app provides only raw data, according to predefined formats. It is up to third-party watchface to decide where and how to render complications, including its layout, border, color, and font. From many Wear OS complication types available, AAPS uses:

  • SHORT TEXT - Contains two lines of text, 7 characters each, sometimes referred to as value and label. Usually rendered inside a circle or small pill - one below another, or side by side. It is a very space-limited complication. AAPS tries to remove unnecessary characters to fit-in: by rounding values, removing leading and trailing zeroes from values, etc.

  • LONG TEXT - Contains two lines of text, about 20 characters each. Usually rendered inside a rectangle or long pill - one below another. It is used for more details and textual status.

  • RANGED VALUE - Used for values from predefined range, like a percentage. It contains icon, label and is usually rendered as circle progress dial.

  • LARGE IMAGE - Custom background image that can be used (when supported by watchface) as background.

Complication Setup

To add complication to watchface, configure it by long press and clicking the gear icon below. Depending on how specific watchface configures them - either click on placeholders or enter the watchface setup menu for complications. AAPS complications are grouped under the AAPS menu entry.

When configuring complications on watchface, Wear OS will present and filter the list of complications that can be fit into selected complication place on watchface. If specific complications cannot be found on the list, it is probably due to its type that cannot be used for the given place.

Complications provided by AAPS

AndroidAPS provides following complications:


  • BR, CoB & IoB (SHORT TEXT, opens Menu): Displays Basal Rate on the first line and Carbs on Board and Insulin on Board on the second line.

  • Blood Glucose (SHORT TEXT, opens Menu): Displays Blood Glucose value and trend arrow on the first line and measurement age and BG delta on the second line.

  • CoB & IoB (SHORT TEXT, opens Menu): Displays Carbs on Board on the first line and Insulin on Board on the second line.

  • CoB Detailed (SHORT TEXT, opens Wizard): Displays current active Carbs on Board on the first line and planned (future, eCarbs) Carbs on the second line.

  • CoB Icon (SHORT TEXT, opens Wizard): Displays Carbs on Board value with a static icon.

  • Visa būsena (ILGAS TEKSTAS, atsidaro Meniu): rodo dauguma duomenų vienu metu: Kraujo gliukozės reikšmę ir tendencijos rodyklę, KG delta ir matavimo laikotarpį pirmoje eilutėje. Antroje eilutėje AAO, AIO ir valandinė bazė.

  • Visa būsena (pasukta) (ILGAS TEKSTAS, atsidaro Meniu): tie patys duomenys, kaip ir standartinėje Visoje būsenoje, bet linijos yra pasuktos. Gali būti naudojama ciferblatuose, kurie ignoruoja vieną iš dviejų linijų ILGAS TEKSTAS

  • AIO išsamiai (TRUMPAS TEKSTAS, atsidaro Bolusas): Rodo visą aktyvų insuliną organizme pirmoje eilutėje ir AIO dedamąsias Boluso ir Bazės dalis antroje eilutėje.

  • AIO piktograma (TRUMPAS TEKSTAS, atsidaro Bolusas): rodo aktyvus insulinas organizme reikšmė su statine piktograma.

  • Siuntėjo/Telefono Baterija (`RIBINĖ REIKŠMĖ/1>, atsidaro Būsena): pateikia AAPS įdiegtame telefone baterijos procentą (siuntėjas) taip, kaip nurodo AAPS. Rodoma procentais, su akumuliatoriaus piktograma, kuri atspindi gautą reikšmę. Gali būti neatnaujinama realiu laiku, o tik su kitais svarbiais AAPS duomenimis (paprastai kas ~5 minutes kartu su nauju kraujo gliukozės matavimu).

Be to, yra trys ekrano elementai DIDELIS PAVEIKSLĖLIS` tokie kaip: **Tamsus fono paveikslėlis**, **Pilkas fono paveikslėlis** ir **Šviesus fono paveikslėlis**, rodantys statinį AAPS fono paveikslėlį.

### Su ekrano elementais susiję nustatymai
* **Veiksmai paspaudus plėtinių mygtuką** (numatytoji reikšmė `Numatytasis`): Nusprendžia, kuris dialogo langas yra atidarytas, kai vartotojas baksteli į plėtinius: 
    * *Numatytasis*: veiksmų, būdingų ekrano elementų tipui *(žr. sąrašą aukščiau)*
    * *Meniu*: AAPS pagrindinis meniu
    * *Vedlys*: boluso vedlys - boluso skaičiuoklė
    * *Bolusas*: tiesioginis boluso reikšmės įrašas
    * *iAV*: iAV sąrankos dialogas
    * *Būsena*: būsenos sub-meniu
    * *Jokių*: Išjungia AAPS plėtinių veiksmus
* **Unicode ekrano elementuose** (numatytasis `Įjungta`): Kai `Įjungta`, elementuose bus naudojami Unicode simboliai, tokie kaip: `Δ` Delta, `⁞` vertikalių taškų daliklis arba `⎍` bazės simbolis. Jų pateikimas priklauso nuo šrifto, kuris gali būti būdingas tik tam ciferblatui. Ši parinktis leidžia perjungti Unicode simbolius `Išjungta` kai reikia - jei šriftas, naudojamas parinktiniuose ciferblatuose nepalaiko šių simbolių - taip išvengiant grafinių trikdžių.
## Wear OS Tiles

Wear OS Tiles provide easy access to users' information and actions to get things done. The tiles are only available on Android smartwatches running on Wear Os version 2.0 and higher.

Tiles allow you to quickly access actions on the AAPS application without going through the watch face menu. The tiles are optional and can be added and configured by the user.

The tiles are used "next to" any watch face. To access a tile, when enabled, swipe right to left on your watch face to show them.

Please note; that the tiles do not hold the actual state of the AAPS phone app and will only make a request, which has to be confirmed on the watch before it is applied.

## How to add Tiles

Before using the tiles, you have to switch on "Control from Watch" in the "Wear OS" settings of Android APS.

![Wear phone preferences enabled](../images/wear_phone_preferences.jpg)

Depending on your Wear OS version, brand and smartphone there are two ways of enabling the tiles:

1. On your watch, from your watch face; 
    * Swipe right to left till you reach the "+ Add tiles" 
    * Select one of the tiles.
2. On your phone open the companion app for your watch. 
    * For Samsung open "Galaxy Wearable", or for other brands "Wear OS"
    * In the click on the section "Tiles", followed by "+ Add" button
    * Find the AAPS tile you like to add by selecting it. ![Wear phone add tile](../images/wear_companion_app_add_tile.png) The order of the tiles can be changed by dragging and dropping

The content of the tiles can be customized by long-pressing a tile and clicking the "Edit" or "gear icon" button.

### APS(Actions) Tile

The action tile can hold 1 to 4 user-defined action buttons. To configure, long-press the tile, which will show the configuration options. Similar actions are also available through the standard watch menu.

Actions supported in the Action tile can request the AAPS phone app for:

* **Calc**; do a bolus calculation, based on carb input and optional a percentage [1]
* **Insulin**; request insulin delivery by entering the unit of insulin
* **Treatment**; request both insulin delivery and add carbs
* **Carbs**; add (extended) carbs
* **TempT**; set a custom temporary target and duration

![Wear action tile, sample calculator](../images/wear_actions.png)

[1] Via, the Wear OS menu, set the "Calculator Percentage" option to "ON" to show the percentage input in the bolus calculator. The default percentage is based on the phone settings in the"Overview" section ["Deliver this part of the bolus wizard result %"](Config-Builder.html#advanced-settings) When the user does not provide a percentage, the default value from the phone is used. Configure the other parameters for the bolus calculator in the phone app via "Preferences" "Wizard Settings".

### AAPS(Temp Target) Tile

The Temp Target Tile can request a temporary target based on AAPS phone presets. Configure preset time and targets through the phone app setting by going to "Preferences", "Overview", ["Default Temp-Targets"](Config-Builder.html#default-temp-targets) and set the duration and targets for each preset. Configure the visible actions on the tile through the tile settings. Long press the tile to show the configuration options and select 1 to 4 options:

* **Activity**; for sport
* **Hypo**; to raise the target during hypo treatment
* **Eating soon**; to lower the target to raise the insulin on board
* **Manual**; set a custom temporary target and duration
* **Cancel**; to stop the current temporary target

![Wear actions tile edit](../images/wear_tile_tempt_edit.png)

### AAPS(QuickWizard)Tile

The QuickWizard tile can hold 1 to 4 quick wizard action buttons, defined with the phone app[2]. See [QuickWizard](Config-Builder.html#quickwizard-settings). You can set standard meals (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) to be displayed on the tile depending on the time of the day. Ideal for the most common meals/snacks you eat during the day. You can specify if the quick wizard buttons will show on the phone, watch, or both. Please note that the phone can show only one quick wizard button at a time. The quick wizard setup also can specify a custom percentage of the insulin for the bolus. The custom percentage enables you to vary, for example, snack at 120%, slow absorbing breakfast 80% and hypo treatment sugar snack at 0%

![Wear actions tile and phone configuration](../images/quickwizard_watch_phone.png)

[2] Wear OS limits tiles update frequency to only once every 30 seconds. When you notice that the changes on your phone are not reflected on the tile, consider; waiting 30 seconds, using the "Resend all data" button from the Wear OS section of AAPS, or removing the tile and adding it again. To change the order of the QuickWizard buttons dragging an item up or down.

## Always on

Long battery life for Android Wear OS smartwatches is a challenge. Some smartwatches get as much as 30 hours before recharging. The display should be switched off for optimal power saving when not in use. Most watches support the “Always on” display.

Since AAPS version 3, we can use a “Simplify UI” during always-on-mode. This UI only contains the blood glucose, direction, and time. This UI is power-optimized with less frequent updates, showing less information and lightening fewer pixels to save power on OLED displays.

The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “Always on” or “Always on and charging”.

### Night-time mode

While charging, it would be helpful if the display could stay “always-on” and show your blood glucose during the night. However, the standard watch-faces are too bright and have too much information, and the details are hard to read with sleepy eyes. Therefore, we added an option for the watch-face to simplify the UI only during charging when set in the configuration.

The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “During charging” or “Always on and charging”

The Android developer options enable your watch to stay awake during charging. To make the developer options available, see https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/get-started/debugging. Set the “Stay awake when charging” to “on” in the developer options”.

Note: not all displays can handle always-on very well. It can cause screen burn-in, especially on the older OLED displays. The watches will generally dim the display to prevent burn-in; please check your owner’s manual, the manufacturing, or the internet for advice.

![Watchface Nightstand](../images/Watchface_nightstand.jpg)

![Simplified UI](../images/Watchface_simplified_ui.png)

### Performance and battery life tips

Wear OS watches are very power-constrained devices. The size of the watch case limits the capacity of the included battery. Even with recent advancements both on hardware and software side, Wear OS watches still require daily charging.

If an experienced battery span is shorter than a day (from dusk to dawn), here are some tips to troubleshoot the issues.

Main battery-demanding areas are:

* Active display with a backlight on (for LED) or in full intensity mode (for OLED)
* Rendering on screen
* Radio communication over Bluetooth

Since we cannot compromise on communication (we need up-to-date data) and want to have the most recent data rendered, most of the optimizations can be done in *display time* area:

* Stock watchfaces are usually better optimized than custom one, downloaded from the store.
* It is better to use watchfaces that limit the amount of rendered data in inactive / dimmed mode.
* Be aware when mixing other Complications, like third party weather widgets, or other - utilizing data from external sources.
* Start with simpler watchfaces. Add one complication at the time and observe how they affect battery life.
* Try to use **Dark** theme for AAPS watchfaces, and [**Matching divider**](#watchface-settings). On OLED devices it will limit the amount of pixels lit and limit burnout.
* Check what performs better on your watch: AAPS stock watchfaces or other watchfaces with AAPS Complications.
* Observe over a few days, with different activity profiles. Most watches activate the display on glancing, movement and other usage-related triggers.
* Check your global system settings that affect performance: notifications, backlight/active display timeout, when GPS is activated.
* Check [list of tested phones and watches](../Getting-Started/Phones.md#list-of-tested-phones) and [ask community](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.md) for other users experiences and reported battery lifetime.
* **We cannot guarantee that data displayed on watchface or complication is up-to-date**. In the end, it is up to Wear OS to decide when to update a watchface or a complication. Even when the AAPS app requests update, the System may decide to postpone or ignore updates to conserve battery. When in doubt and low on battery on watch - always double-check with main AAPS app on phone.
## Troubleshooting the wear app:

* Sometimes it helps to re-sync the apps to the watch as it can be a bit slow to do so itself: Android Wear > Cog icon > Watch name > Resync apps.
* Enable ADB debugging in Developer Options (on watch), connect the watch via USB and start the Wear app once in Android Studio.
* If Complications does not update data - check first if AAPS watchfaces work at all.
### Sony Smartwatch 3

* The Sony Smartwach 3 is one of the most popular watches to be used with AAPS.
* Unfortunately Google dropped support for wear OS 1.5 devices in fall 2020. This leads to problems when using Sony SW3 with AndroidAPS 2.7 and above.
* A possible workaround can be found on this [troubleshooting page](../Usage/SonySW3.md).
## View Nightscout data

If you are using another looping system and want to *view* your looping detail on an Android Wear watch, or want to watch your child's looping, then you can build/download just the NSClient APK. To do this follow the [build APK instructions](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md) selecting the build variant "NSClientRelease". Yra keletas skaitmeninių ciferblatų, kurie rodo vidutinį delta pokytį, aktyvų insuliną, esamą laikiną bazinę ir bazinį profilį bei NGJ duomenų grafiką.

# Pebble

Pebble users can use the [Urchin watchface](https://github.com/mddub/urchin-cgm) to *view* looping data (if uploaded to Nightscout), but you will not be able to interact with AndroidAPS through the watch. You can choose fields to display such as IOB and currently active temp basal rate and predictions. If open looping you can use [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/) to create an applet that says if Notification received from AndroidAPS then send either SMS or pushover notification.