Veelgebruikte woordenlijst
AAPS = AndroidAPS is the name of the Android app.
AAPSClient (or NSClient) = a remote control feature that can be used by caregivers via a follower phone to follow a user’s AAPS by connecting to the user’s Nightscout’s site. Further info → Wiki - ‘NS Client’. Objectives learning program within AAPS provides step by step guidance. Further info → Wiki - ‘objectives’.
APS = Artificial Pancreas System.
AMA = Advanced Meal Assist. An algorithm which allows AAPS to increase the user’s basal more aggressively after a meal bolus. Further info → Wiki - ‘AMA’.
Adjustment Factor = used within DynamicISF and is a value set within a user’s Preferences between 1% and 300%. This acts as a multiplier on the TDD value.
increasing the Adjustment Factor value above 100 % makes DynamicISF more aggressive: the ISF values become smaller (i.e. more insulin required to decrease BG levels a small amount)
lowering the Adjustment Factor value under 100% makes DynamicISF less aggressive: the ISF values become larger (i.e. less insulin required to decrease BG levels a small amount).
Android Auto = a system used to host certain functions of an Android smartphone’s features, including AAPS, within a car’s display. Further info → Wiki - ‘android auto’.
APK = Android application Package. A software installation file. Further info → Wiki - ‘Building APK’.
Autosens = calculation of sensitivity to insulin between a period of a 24 and 8 hour window etc. Further info → DIABETTECH - Autosens.
Azure = cloud computing platform to host Nightscout web app Azure → see also Nightscout.
BAT = status light low battery on AAPS’ home screen Preferences, Screenshots → see also CAN / RES / SEN.
BG = blood glucose.
BGI = blood glucose impact. The degree to which BG ‘should’ rise or fall based on insulin activity alone.
BG source = the source of the user’s BG values derived from either CGM or FGM through a system integration software like BYODA, xDrip+ etc. Further info → Wiki - ‘BG source’
Bridge = an additional device transforming FGM to CGM.
BR = Basal Rate. The amount of insulin in a given time block to maintain BG at a stable level. → see also IC / ISF.
BYODA = Build Your Own Dexcom App. A way to generate the user’s own Dexcom App for reading out the sensor data Dexcom G6.
CAGE = Cannula AGE. Displayed on AAPS’ homescreen and Nightscout providing the user’s information entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also Nightscout.
CAN = status light overdue cannula change on the AAPS’ homescreen Preferences’ → see also BAT / RES / SEN.
CGM = Continuous Glucose Monitor → see also FGM.
Closed Loop = a closed loop system which makes automatic adjustments to the user’s basal delivery based on an AAPS’s algorithm and the user’s Profile settings without requiring the user’s-approval. Further info → Wiki - ‘closed loop’.
COB = Carbs On Board. This is the amount of carbohydrates currently available for the user’s digestion → see also IOB.
CSF =Carbs Sensitivity Factor. i.e. how much does the user’s BG increase for 1g of carbs absorbed.
DIA = Duration of Insulin Action. Further info → Wiki - ‘insulin types’ and see also → DIABETTECH - ‘DIA’.
DST = Daylight Savings Time Wiki DST.
Dynamic ISF (or DynISF) = a feature within AAPS that adapts the insulin sensitivity factor (ISF) dynamically based on the user’s:
Total Daily Dose of insulin (TDD); and
current and predicted BG values.
eCarbs = extended Carbs. Carbs split up over several hours to accommodate/protein and permits AAPS to deliver extended boluses. Further info → Wiki - ‘eCarbs’, ‘eCarbs use’.
FGM = Flash Glucose Monitor manufactured by Freestyle Libre. Further info → Wiki - ‘BG source’ and see also ‘CGM’.
git = a tool used store and download the AAPS’ source code.
GitHub = a web-based hosting service and build process for the AAPS’ software version-control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files especially for teams. It is also necessary for APK updates. Further info → Wiki - ‘update APK’.
Glimp = an app to collect values from Freestyle Libre Glimp.
IC (or I:C) = Insulin to Carb ratio. (i.e. how many carbs are covered by one unit of insulin?).
IOB = Insulin On Board. Insulin active in the user’s body.
ISF = Insulin Sensitivity Factor. The expected decrease in BG as a result of one unit of insulin.
LGS = Low Glucose Suspend. AAPS will reduce basal if BG is dropping and if BG is rising, then it will only increase basal if IOB is negative (from a previous LGS), otherwise basal rates will remain the same as the user’s selected Profile. The user may temporarily experience spikes following treated hypos without the ability to increase basal on the rebound. → see also objective 6.
LineageOS = free and open-source operating system for smartphones etc. (When using Accu-Chek Combo see Wiki - Combo pump).
Log files = AAPS’ records of the user’s actions (useful for troubleshooting and debugging). Further info → Wiki - ‘log files’.
maxIOB = maximum total IOB. This is a safety feature and prevents AAPS delivering insulin over the user’s settings. Further info → Wiki - ‘SMB’.
min_5m_carbimpact = safety feature that is a calculation of default carb decay when carb absorption cannot be determined based on the user’s blood’s reactions. This is a safety feature. Further info → Wiki - ‘config builder’.
Nightscout = open source project to access and report CGM data. The central data hub for the user’ AAPS data and can generate reports to view the user’s historical NIghtscout data expected HbA1c, time in range) or search for patterns in the data via percentile chart etc.
Nightscout → see also Nightscout Reporter. This is particularly useful for parents following their child’s diabetes management.
Nightscout Reporter Tool = a tool which generates PDFs reports from Nightscout web app data. See ‘Nightscout Reporter’, ‘NS Reporter’ @ Facebook.
NSClient ( or ‘AAPSClient’) = see AAPSClient.
OpenAPS = Open Artificial Pancreas System.
Open Loop system = an AAPS feature that will recommend adjustments and which must be performed manually by the user on AAPS. Further info → Wiki - ‘config builder’.
Oref0 / Oref1 = sensitivity detection and “reference design implementation version 0/1”. It is the key algorithm behind OpenAPS Wiki - sensitivity detection.
Peak time = time of maximum effect of insulin given. Further info → Wiki - ‘config builder’.
PH = Pump History. This can be accessed in AAPS’ treatments which are located on the 3 dot menu on the right side of AAPS main screen Screenshots.
Predictions = predictions for BG in the future based on different calculations. Further info → Wiki - ‘prediction lines’.
Profile = the user’s basic treatment settings (basal rate, DIA, IC, ISF, BG target). AAPSv3 only supports local profiles created within AAPS but Nightscout Profiles can be copied (synchronised) to AAPS. Further info → Wiki - ‘profile’.
Profile switch = (temporary) switch of the user’ Profile to a different Profile saved within AAPS.
Profile Percentage = a (temporary_ percentage increase or decrease applied to a user’s Profile for a selected time period.
RES = status light overdue reservoir change on the AAPS’ homescreen Preferences, Screenshots → see also BAT / CAN / SEN.
RileyLink = open source hardware device to bridge Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to 916MHz (used for old Medtronic pumps) or 433MHz (used for Omnipod Eros pumps) wireless communication RileyLink.
SAGE = sensor age. This is displayed on the homescreen of AAPS and in Nightscout if information was entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also Nightscout.
SEN = status light sensor change on home screen Preferences, Screenshots → see also BAT / CAN / RES.
Sensivity detection = calculation of sensitivity to insulin as a result of exercise, hormones etc. see also → DIABETTECH - ‘Autosens’.
Sensor noise = a term used to describe the unstable CGM’s readings leading to “jumping” BG values. Further info → Wiki - ‘sensor noise’.
SMB = Super Micro Bolus. An AAPS feature for faster insulin delivery in order to adjust BG. Further info → Wiki - ‘SMB’ and see also UAM.
Super bolus = shift of basal to bolus insulin for faster BG adjustment.
TBB = total base basal (sum of basal rate within 24 hours) → see also TBR / TDD.
TBR = temporary basal rate→ see also TBB / TDD.
TDD = total daily dose (bolus + basal per day) → see also TBB / TBR.
TT = temporary target temporary increase/decrease of the user’s BG target (range) e.g. for eating or sport activities. Further info → Wiki - ‘temp targets’.
UAM = unannounced meals. Detection of significant increase in BG levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences and attempt to adjust this. Further info → Wiki - ‘UAM’ and see also SMB.
Virtual pump = an AAPS feature which allows the user to try AAPS’ functions or for PWD using a pump model with no AAPS driver for looping → see also Open Loop.
Wallpaper = AAPS background image see phones page.
xDrip+ = open source software to read CGM systems xDrip+.
Zero-temp = temporary basal rate with 0% (no basal insulin delivery).
→ see also the OpenAPS documentation