AAPS screens
The Homescreen
This is the first screen you will come across when you open AAPS, and it contains most of the information that you will need day to day.
Section A - Tabs
Navigate between the various AAPS modules.
Alternatively you can change screens by swiping left or right.
Displayed tabs can be selected in the config builder.
Section B - Profile & target
Current Profile
The current profile is displayed in the left bar.
Short press profile bar to view profile details. Long press profile bar to switch between different profiles.
Regular display with a standard profile activation.
Profile switch with a remaining duration of 59mn.
Profile switch with a specific percentage of 120%.
Profile switch with a specific percentage of 80% and a remaining duration of 59 mn.
Profile switch with a time shift of -1 hour.
Profile switch with a specific percentage of 120%, time shift of 1 hour, and a remaining duration of 59mn.
Current target blood glucose level is displayed in the right bar.
Short press target bar to set a Temporary Target.
If a temp target is set, the bar turns yellow and the remaining time in minutes is shown in brackets.
Visualization of Dynamic target adjustment
When using the SMB algorithm and Autosens functionality, AAPS can dynamically adjust your target based on sensitivity.
Enable either one or both of the following options in Preferences > OpenAPS SMB settings:
«sensitivity raises target» and/or
«resistance lowers target»
If AAPS detects resistance or sensitivity, the target will change from what is set from profile. When it alters the target glucose, the background will change to green.
Section C - BG & loop status
Current blood glucose
The latest blood glucose reading from your CGM is shown on the left side.
The color of the BG value reflects the status to the defined range.
green = in range
red = below range
yellow = above range
The blocks in the middle shows:
how many minutes since last CGM reading
differences with the last reading: Δ, and with the last 15 and 40 minutes average (Δ15 and Δ40).
Long deltas are calculated as an average value of deltas in the past, indicating what was the average change.
Loop status
On the right side, an icon shows the loop status:
Green circle = loop running
Green circle with dotted line = low glucose suspend (LGS)
Red circled = loop disabled (not working permanently)
Yellow circle = loop suspended (temporarily paused but basal insulin will be given) - remaining time is shown below icon
Grey circle = pump disconnected (temporarily no insulin dosage at all) - remaining time is shown below icon
Orange circle = super bolus running - remaining time is shown below icon
Blue circle with dotted line = open loop
Short press or Long press the icon to open the Loop dialog to switch loop mode (Close, Low Glucose Suspend, Open or Disable), suspend / re-enable loop or disconnect / reconnect pump.
If short press on Loop icon, a validation is required after selection in Loop Dialog
BG warning sign
If for any reason, there are issues in the BG readings AAPS receives, you will get a warning signal beneath your BG number on the main screen.
Red warning sign: Duplicate BG data
The red warning sign is signaling you to get active immediately: You are receiving duplicate BG data, which does avoid the loop to do its work right. Therefore, your loop will be disabled until it is resolved.
{admonition} Your loop is not running
:class: note
Your loop is not running until you solve this issue !
You need to find out why you get duplicate BGs:
Is Dexcom bridge enabled on your Nightscout site? Disable the bridge by going to the administration panel of your Nightscout instance, edit the «enable» variable and remove the «bridge» part there. (Para Heroku, los pasos detallados se pueden encontrar aquí.)
Do multiple sources upload your BG to Nightscout? If you use the BYODA app, enable the upload in AAPS but do not enable it in xDrip+, if you use that.
Do you have any followers that might receive your BG but do also upload it again to your Nightscout site?
Last resort: In AAPS, go to Preferences > NSClient, select the sync settings and disable the «Accept CGM data from NS» option.
To remove the warning immediately and get to loop running again, you need to manually delete a couple of entries from the Dexcom/xDrip+ tab.
However, when there are a lot of duplicates, it might be easier to
Restablecer las bases de datos, desde el menú de mantenimiento
import your settings again
Señal de advertencia amarilla
The yellow warning signal is indicating that your BG arrived in irregular time intervals or that some BGs are missing. When pressing the sign, the message indicates “Recalculated data used”.
Normalmente no hay que tomar ninguna acción. El lazo cerrado puede continuar funcionando.
As a sensor change is interrupting the constant flow of BG data, a yellow warning sign after sensor change is normal and nothing to worry about.
Special note for Libre users:
Cada sensor Libre se desplaza un minuto o dos cada hora, lo que significa que nunca se obtiene un intervalo de lecturas de glucosa regular.
Also, jumpy readings interrupt the continuous flow.
Therefore, the yellow warning sign will be “always on” for Libre users.
Note: Up to 30h hours are taken into accord for AAPS calculations. So even after you solved the origin problem, it can take about 30 hours for the yellow triangle to disappear after the last irregular interval occurred.
Simple mode
An icon with a kid’s face at the top right of this section indicates that you are in Simple mode.
Sección D - IOB, COB, BR y AS
Syringe: insulin on board (IOB) - amount of active insulin inside your body
The insulin on board figure would be zero if just your standard basal was running and there was no insulin remaining from previous boluses.El IOB puede ser negativo si recientemente han habido períodos de reducción basal.
Pulsa el icono para ver la división de los bolos y de la insulina basal.
Grain: carbs on board (COB) - yet unabsorbed carbs you have eaten before The icon pulses red if carbs are required (see below)
Purple line: current basal rate. The icon changes to reflect temporary changes in basal rate (flat at 100%)
Pulsa sobre el icono para ver la tasa basal base y los detalles de cualquier basal temporal (incluida la duración restante)
Arrows up & down: indicates dynamic sensitivity features status (Autosens or DynamicISF): enabled or disabled. Several values may be shown in this section:
AS: Autosens value. Shown even if Autosens is disabled (for information only). Also shown when DynISF is activated, although it has no effect.
Alg: DynamicISF value (based on TDD). More information on the last line on DynamicISF page.
Carbohidratos requeridos
La sugerencia de carbohidratos se produce cuando el algoritmo de referencia detecta que van a ser necesarios.
This is when the oref algorithm thinks it can’t rescue you by zero-temping, and you will need carbs to fix.
Las notificaciones de carbohidratos son mucho más sofisticadas que las del asistentede bolo (calculadora). Es posible que se muestre una sugerencia de carbohidratos mientras que en el asistente de bolo no se muestran los carbohidratos faltantes.
Las notificaciones de carbohidratos requeridos se pueden enviar a Nightscout si queremos, en cuyo caso se mostrará y se transmitirá.
Sección E - Luces de estado
Las luces de estado muestran una advertencia visual para:
Edad de la cánula
Edad de la insulina (días de uso del reservorio, si se utiliza)
Nivel del reservorio/cartucho (unidades)
Edad del sensor
Edad y nivel de la batería/pila (%)
Cuando se supera el umbral de advertencia, los valores se muestran en amarillo.
Cuando se supera el umbral crítico, los valores se muestran en rojo.
Settings can be changed in Preferences > Overview > Status lights.
Depending on the pump you use, you may not have all of these icons.
Sección F - Gráfico principal
The graph shows your blood glucose (BG) as read from your glucose monitor (CGM).
Aquí se muestran las notas que se añaden desde la pestaña de acciones, las mediciones de glucosa capilar, la entrada de carbohidratos, así como los cambios de perfil.
Use the menu on top left of the graph or long press anywhere on the graph to change the timescale. You can choose between 6, 12, 18 or 24 hours.
El área verde muestra tu rango objetivo.
Blue triangles show SMB - if enabled in Preferences > OpenAPS SMB.
Activar información opcional
On the main graph, you can switch on these optional information:
Actividad - curva de actividad de la insulina
To show this information, click the triangle on the right side of the main graph. For the main graph just the four options above the line «Graph 1 2 3 4» are available.
Líneas de predicción
Orange line: COB (color is used generally to represent COB and carbs)
This prediction line shows where your BG (not where COB itself!) will go based on the current Profile settings, assuming that the deviations due to carb absorption remain constant. Esta línea sólo aparece si se conocen los carbohidratos (COB).
Dark blue line: IOB (color is used generally to represent IOB and insulin)
This prediction line shows what would happen under the influence of insulin only. For example if you dialed in some insulin and then didn’t eat any carbs.
Azul claro línea: cero-temp (predicción de la glucosa si se establecería una tasa basal temporal al 0%)
This prediction line shows how the BG trajectory line would change if the pump stopped all insulin delivery (0% TBR).
This line appears only when the SMB algorithm is used.
Dark yellow line: UAM (un-announced meals)
Las comidas no anunciadas significan que se detecta un aumento significativo en los niveles de glucosa, debido a las comidas, la adrenalina u otras influencias. Prediction line is similar to the orange COB line, but it assumes that the deviations will taper down at a constant rate (by extending the current rate of reduction).
This line appears only when the SMB algorithm is used.
Dark orange line: aCOB (accelerated carbohydrate absorption)
Similar to COB, but assuming a static 10 mg/dL/5m (-0.555 mmol/l/5m) carb absorption rate. Deprecated and of limited usefulness.
This line appears only when the older AMA algorithm is used.
Usually your real glucose curve ends up in the middle of these lines, or close to the one which makes assumptions that closest resemble your situation.
Una línea azul continua muestra la administración basal de tu bomba, y refleja la administración real a lo largo del tiempo.
La línea azul punteada es lo que sería la tasa basal si no hubiera ajustes basales tmporales (TBRs).
When the standard basal rate is given, the area under the curve is shown in dark blue. When the basal rate is temporarily adjusted (increased or decreased), the area under the curve is shown in light blue.
La línea amarilla fina muestra la actividad de la insulina.
Se basa en la caída esperada de la glucosa en sangre por la insulina en tu cuerpo, si no hubieran otros factores (como carbohidratos) presentes.
Section G - Additional graphs
Se pueden activar hasta cuatro gráficos adicionales debajo del gráfico principal. When in Simple Mode, additional graphs are preset and can not be changed. Switch off Simple Mode if you wish to set your own configuration of additional graphs.
To open settings for additional graphs click the triangle on the right side of the main graph and scroll down.
To configure additional graphs, check the boxes corresponding to the data you want to see on each graph.
Most users find the following configuration of additional graphs to be adequate :
Graph 1 with IOB, COB, Sensitivity chnge
Graph 2 with Deviations and BGI.
Insulina absoluta
Insulina activa, incluyendo bolos y basal.
Insulina a bordo (IOB)
Muestra la insulina que tienes «a bordo» (la insulina activa que tiene tu cuerpo). Esto incluye la insulina de bolos y de basales temporales (pero quedan excluidas las tasas basales establecidas en tu perfil).
If there were no SMBs, no boluses and no TBR during DIA time this would be zero.
La IOB puede ser negativa, si no queda ningún resto de bolo previo y tenemos una basal temporal a cero o baja durante mucho tiempo.
Decaying depends on your DIA and insulin profile settings.
Carbohidratos activos (COB)
Muestra los carbohidratos que tienes «a bordo» (los activos, que aún no han sido absorvidos en tu cuerpo).
Decaying depends on the deviations the algorithm detects.
Si se detecta una absorción de carbohidratos más alta de lo esperado, se administrará más insulina, lo que aumentará la IOB (más o menos, dependiendo de la configuración de seguridad).
Sensitivity change
Shows the sensitivity that Autosens has detected.
La sensibilidad es el cálculo de la sensibilidad a la insulina como resultado del ejercicio, las hormonas, etc.
Note, you need to be in Objective 8 in order to let Sensitivity Detection/Autosens automatically adjust the amount of insulin delivered. Before reaching that objective, the line in your graph is displayed for information only.
Variable sensitivity
Shows the sensitivity as calculated by DynamicISF. Only populated if you use this feature.
Heart rate & Steps
This data may be available when using a Wear smartwatch. Enable them on AAPS Wear app and give permission for health data.
Grey bars show a deviation due to carbs.
Green bars show that BG is higher than the algorithm expected it to be. Green bars are used to increase resistance in Autosens.
Red bars show that BG is lower than the algorithm expected. Red bars are used to increase sensitivity in Autosens.
Yellow bars show a deviation due to UAM.
Black bars show small deviations not taken into account for sensitivity
Blood Glucose Impact
This line shows the degree to which BG ‘should’ rise or fall based on insulin activity alone.
It is a good combination to display this line along with the Deviation bars. They share the same scale, but it is a different one than the other optional data, so it is a good idea to display them on a separate graph, as shown above. Comparing the BGI line and the Deviation bars is another way to understand how BG fluctuates. Here, at the time marked 1, the Deviation bars are greater than the BGI line, indicating that BG is rising. Later, during the hours marked 2, BGI and DEV are pretty much in line, indicating that BG is stable.
Sección H - Botones
Buttons for Insulin, Carbs and Calculator are almost always visible. If the connection to the pump is lost, the insulin button will not be visible.
Other Buttons can be setup in Preferences > Overview > Buttons.
About using the Insulin, Carbs and Calculator buttons : If enabled in the Preferences > Overview, the Notes field allows you to enter text that will show on the main graph, and may be uploaded to Nightscout - depending on your settings for NS client.
To give a certain amount of insulin without using the bolus calculator.
By checking the box Start eating soon TT, you can automatically start your eating soon temp target.
If you do not want to bolus through the pump but record an insulin amount (i.e. insulin given by pen) check the corresponding box. When checking this box, you get an additional field “Time offset”, that you can use to record an insulin injection made in the past.
You can use the buttons to quickly increase the insulin quantity. The increment values can be changed in the Preferences > Overview > Buttons.
The insulin button can be used when the pump is suspended as well, i.e. to record insulin injected with a pen. In this case, the header will show in yellow, and the checkbox “Do not bolus, record only” can not be unchecked.
Carbohidratos [g]
Permite registrar carbohidratos sin bolo.
Certain pre-set temporary targets can be set directly by checking the box.
Time offset: When will you / have you been eaten carbs (in minutes).
Duration: To be used for «extended carbs»
You can use the buttons to quickly increase the carb amount. The increment values can be changed in the Preferences > Overview > Buttons.
See Bolus Wizard section below.
Envía una calibración a xDrip+ o abre la pantalla de calibración de Dexcom (BYODA).
Must be activated in Preferences > Overview > Buttons.
Abre xDrip+ o BYODA.
Back button returns to AAPS.
Must be activated in Preferences > Overview > Buttons.
Asistente Rápido
Permite añadir una cantidad de carbohidratos y establecer los cálculos básicos.
Details are set up in Preferences > Overview > QuickWizard settings.
Asistente de bolo (Calculadora)
When you want to make a meal bolus, this is where you will normally make it from.
Sección I
Muestra el bolo calculado.
Si la cantidad de insulina a bordo (IOB) es superior al bolo calculado, entonces sólo se mostrará la cantidad de carbohidratos que son necesarios.
Sección J
El campo de glucosa (BG) normalmente estará relleno con la última lectura de glucosa de nuestro MCG. Si no dispones de ningún MCG o no está funcionando, el campo aparecerá en blanco.
In the Carbs field, you add your estimate of the amount of carbs - or equivalent - that you want to bolus for.
The Corr field is if you want to modify the end dosage for some reason.
The Carb time field is for pre-bolusing so you can tell the system that there will be a delay before the carbs are to be expected. Se puede especificar un número negativo, si es estamos poniendo un bolo para unos carbohidratos que ya hemos comido previamente.
Eating reminder : For carbs in the future, the alarm checkbox can be selected (and is by default when a time in the future is entered) so that you can be reminded at the given time, when to eat the carbs you have input into AAPS.
Sección K
Profile allows you to select a different profile than the current one, to make the calculation for the insulin required. This profile selection applies only for the current bolus, it is not a profile change.
Super Bolus is where the basal insulin for the next two hours is added to the immediate bolus and a zero TBR is issued for the following two hours to take back the extra insulin. The option only shows when «Enable Superbolus in wizard» is set in the Preferences > Overview > Advanced Settings. La idea es adelantar un extra de insulina antes y tratar de reducir los picos de algunas comidas.
Para conocer más detalles, visita la página web: diabetesnet.com.
Sección L
Details of the wizard’s bolus calculation.
You can deselect any that you do not want to include, but you normally wouldn’t want to.
For safety reasons the TT box must be ticked manually, if you want the bolus wizard to calculate based on an existing temporary target.
Combinaciones de COB e IOB y su significado
For safety reasons, the IOB box cannot be unticked when COB box is ticked as you might run the risk of too much insulin as AAPS is not accounting for what’s already given.
If you tick COB and IOB, unabsorbed carbs that are not already covered with insulin + all insulin that has been delivered as TBR or SMB will be taken into account.
If you tick IOB without COB, AAPS takes account of already delivered insulin but won’t cover that off against any carbs still to be absorbed. Esto se traduce en que nos aparecerán los «carbohidratos faltantes».
Si queremos administrar un bolo para una comida adicional poco después de un bolo de comida (p. ej. un postre adicional), puede ser útil desmarcar todas las casillas. De esta manera, solo se añaden los nuevos carbohidratos, ya que la comida principal no necesariamente está absorbida, por lo que la IOB no coincidirá con con precisión con los COB, poco después de un bolo de comida.
The box near the eye allows you to choose between the detailed view, with the numbers entering the calculation for each item, or the simple view with icons. Pressing on an icon will enable / disable this entry from the calculation.
Detección de COB incorrectos
If you see the warning above after using bolus wizard, AAPS has detected that the calculated COB value may be wrong. So, if you want to bolus again after a previous meal with COB, you should be aware of overdosing!
For details, see the hints on COB calculation page.
Pestaña de Acciones
Sección M - Acciones
Button Profile switch as an alternative to pressing the current profile on homescreen.
Button Temporary target as an alternative to pressing the current target on homescreen.
Botón iniciar o cancelar una tasa basal temporal. Hay que tener en cuenta que el botón cambia de «Basal temporal» a «Cancelar x%» cuando se establece una tasa basal temporal.
Even though extended boluses do not really work in a closed loop environment some people were asking for an option to use extended bolus anyway.
Esta opción solo está disponible para las bombas de insulina Dana RS y Accu-Chek Insight.
El lazo cerrado se detendrá automáticamente y cambiará a modo de lazo abierto, durante el tiempo que dure el bolo extendido.
Make sure to read the details before using this option.
Sección N - Portal de cuidados
Displays information on:
sensor age & level (battery percentage)
insulin age & level (units)
cannula age
pump battery age & level (percentage
Less information will be shown if low resolution skin is used (Preferences > General > Skin).
Nivel del sensor (batería)
Works for CGM with an additional transmitter such as MiaoMiao 2. (Técnicamente, el sensor tiene que enviar la información del nivel del Miao Miao a xDrip+).
Thresholds can be set in Preferences > Overview > Status lights.
Sección O - Portal de cuidados
BG check, prime/fill, sensor insert and pump battery change are the base for the data displayed in section N.
La opción de Cebar/Llenar permite registrar el cambio de lugar de la cánula y el cambio del cartucho de insulina.
La «Sección O» refleja el portal de cuidados de Nightscout. De esta manera, Ejercicio, Aviso y Pregunta representan formas especiales de notas.
Sección P - Herramientas
Allows you to ride back in AAPS history.
Total Dosis Diaria (TDD) = Bolos + Basales por día
Algunos médicos, especialmente para nuevos usuarios de bombas de insulina, usan una relación de bolo/basal del 50:50.
Therefore, ratio is calculated as TDD / 2 * TBB (Total base basal = sum of basal rate within 24 hours).
Otros prefieren un rango entre el 32% y el 37% del TDD para TBB.
Estas reglas son generales y tienen una validez real limitada. Nota: ¡Tu diabetes puede variar!
Perfil de Insulina
This shows the activity profile of the insulin you have chosen in Config builder > Insulin. The curves will vary based on the DIA and the time to peak.
The purple line shows how much insulin remains after it has been injected as it decays with time and the blue line shows how active it is.
See Your AAPS Profile > Duration of insulin action to learn more about what it is and how to set it.
Estado de la bomba de insulina
La información del estado de la bomba es diferente en cada caso. La información mostrada depende del modelo de bomba que utilicemos.
See pumps page for details.
Loop, AMA o SMB
These tabs show details about the algorithm’s calculations and why AAPS acts the way it does.
Calculations are run each time the system gets a fresh reading from the CGM.
For more details see APS section on config builder page.
Profile contains information on your individual diabetes settings, see the detailed Profile page for more information.
See the dedicated page here.
This page displays the status of the connection with your Nightscout site.
Settings can be changed in Preferences > NS Client.
For troubleshooting see this page.
Origen de glucosa - xDrip+, Dexcom (BYODA),…
Depending on your BG source settings, this tab is named differently.
Shows history of CGM readings and offers option to remove reading in case of failure (i.e. compression low) or duplicate readings.
This view can be accessed by pressing the 3 dots on the right of the menu, then Treatments. It is not possible to show it in the main menu through the Config Builder. In this view, you can view and alter the history of the following treatments:
Bolus & carbs
Tasa basal temporal
Careportal: notes entered through action tab and notes in dialogues
User entry: other notes that are not sent to Nightscout
In the last column, the data source for each line is displayed in blue. It can be :
NS for Nightscout : the data comes from or has been recorded to Nightscout
PH for Pump History : the data has been processed by the pump
Bolus & carbs
On this tab you can view the bolus and carbs log. Each bolus (line 1 and 4) shows the remaining associated IOB next to the insulin amount. The origin of the bolus can be either :
Meal (manually entered though the Insulin, Quick Wizard or Bolus Wizard buttons)
SMB, when using the SMB Functionality
The carbs (line 2) are only stored in Nightscout. If you have used the Bolus Wizard to calculate insulin dosage, you can press the “Calc” text (line 3) to show the details of how the bolus was calculated.
Depending on the pump used, insulin and carbs can be shown in one single line, or will result in multiple lines: one for the calculation detail, one for the carbs, one for the bolus itself.
The treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or underestimated carbs). Note that it is not possible to edit an existing entry, you need to follow the following process:
Comprueba y recuerda los COB y la IOB actuales de la pantalla de inicio.
Dependiendo de la bomba, en la pestaña de tratamientos, los carbohidratos pueden mostrarse junto con la insulina en una línea o como una entrada separada (p. ej. con Dana RS).
Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.)
Asegúrate de que los carbohidratos se han eliminado correctamente comprobando los COB activos, accediendo de nuevo a la pantalla de inicio.
Haz lo mismo con la IOB si sólo hay una línea en la pestaña de tratamientos que incluye los carbohidratos e insulina.
→ If carbs are not removed as intended, and you add additional carbs as explained here (6.), COB will be too high and that might lead to too high insulin delivery.
Añade la cantidad correcta de carbohidratos mediante el botón de «Carbohidratos» de la pantalla de inicio y asegúrate de establecer la hora correcta del evento.
Si solo hay una línea en la pestaña de tratamientos que incluye los carbohidratos y la insulina, debes añadir también la cantidad de insulina. Asegúrate de configurar correctamente la hora del evento y verifica la IOB en la pantalla de inicio después de confirmar la nueva entrada.
Temp Basal
The temp basals applied by the loop are shown here. When there is still an impact on the IOB for an entry, the information is shown in green. It can be:
Positive IOB if the temp basal was higher than the one set in the Profile (line 2)
Negative IOB for a zero-temp or if the temp basal was lower than the one set in the Profile (line 1)
Deleting the entries only affects your reports in Nightscout and will probably tamper your real IOB - it is not recommended.
On the left of a line, a red S means “Suspend” : it happens when basal is not currently delivered. This is a normal situation when in the process of changing a pod, for example.
Objetivo temporal
The history of temporary targets can be seen here.
Profile Switch
The history of profile switches can be seen here. You may see multiple entries each time you switch profile : line 1, stored in Nightscout but not in Pump History, corresponds to the request of a profile switch made by the user. Line 2, stored both in NS and PH, correspond to the actual switch.
Deleting the entries only affects your reports in Nightscout and will never actually change the current profile.
You can use the Clone button shown on line 1 to make a copy of a Profile Switch. See Your AAPS Profile > Manage your profiles for more information.
Care portal
This tab shows all notes and alerts recorded in Nightscout.
This view can be accessed by pressing the 3 dots on the right of the menu, then History. It is not possible to put in the main menu through the Config Builder. It can also be accessed through a button at the bottom of the Action tab.
Allows you to ride back in AAPS history. See the dedicated page Reviewing your data > History Browser.
This view can be accessed by pressing the 3 dots on the right of the menu, then Statistics. It is not possible to put in the main menu through the Config Builder.
Gives you statistics about your Time In Range and Total Daily Dose. See the dedicated page Reviewing your data > Statistics.
Profile Helper
This view can be accessed by pressing the 3 dots on the right of the menu, then Profile Helper. It is not possible to put in the main menu through the Config Builder. The Profile Helper can help you: