AAPS for children

AAPS can be used successfully with type 1 kids as well. Anyway, there are things to consider.

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Initial Profile

Setting the correct Profile (basal rate, DIA, ISF…) may prove difficult for children with type 1, especially when growth hormones are involved. Take your time to test and ensure that you are happy with your child’s basal, I:C, DIA and ISF. Test them in real life with your kid next to you before starting remote monitoring and remote treatment. Weekends or school holidays might be a good time for that.

Monitor and adjust your child’s Profile where necessary

As the child grows, Profile adjustments will be necessary in order to account for your child’s body’s demands and needs. However this issue exists for all type 1 children including those who are on other pumps or injections.

Keeping the phone in range

Think about how you will keep the child’s phone in range of their pump and CGM. This can be challenging with children who are too young to be responsible for a phone. An AAPS phone with a good bluetooth connection range should be selected as well as finding a comfortable way for the child to carry the pump and phone. Many solutions exist, like insulin pump belts that also have space for a phone, or a harness to carry like a backpack.

How to protect your child’s AAPS from being misused?

There are several protection settings available with AAPS to avoid the child or a stranger misuse of AAPS. See Preferences > General > Protection to add password or biometric protection to boluses, settings changes, or even AAPS itself.

Remote monitoring and remote control

Remote monitoring is an essential functionality when using AAPS for children. See the dedicated section Remote Monitoring to explore possible options.

Remote monitoring and treatment can be hugely beneficial for parents of a type 1 child and this is particularly so when the child attends kindergarten and elementary school. But make sure the teachers and educators are aware of your kid’s treatment plan.
Work out how adding in remote control is going to work with/enhance the existing plan. Many parents find it helpful to have a separate line of communication with childcare providers, for example a cheap small teacher “follow” phone.
Examples for school care plans can be found in the files section of AAPS users on Facebook.