orphan: true
Necessary checks after update coming from AAPS 2.6
The program code was changed significantly when switching to AAPS 2.7.
Therefore it is important that you make some changes or check settings after the update.
Please see release notes for details on new and extended features.
Check BG source
Check if BG source is correct after update.
Especially when using xDrip+ it might happen, that BG source is changed to Dexcom app (patched).
Open Config builder (hamburger menu on top left side of home screen)
Scroll down to “BG source”.
Select correct BG source if changes are necessary.
Finish exam
AAPS 2.7 contains new objective 11 (in later versions renumbered to objective 10!) for automation.
You have to finish exam (objective 3 and 4) in order to complete objective 11.
If for example you did not finish the exam in objective 3 yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start objective 11.
This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives!
Set master password
Necessary to be able to export settings as they are encrypted as of version 2.7.
Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of home screen)
Click triangle below “General”
Click “Master-Password”
Enter password, confirm password and click ok.
설정 내보내기
AAPS 2.7 uses a new encrypted backup format.
You must export your settings after updating to version 2.7.
Settings files from previous versions can only be imported in AAPS 2.7. Export will be in new format.
Make sure to store your exported settings not only on your phone but also in at least one safe place (your pc, cloud storage…).
If you build AAPS 2.7 apk with the same keystore than in previous versions you can install new version without deleting the previous version.
All settings as well as finished objectives will remain as they were in the previous version.
In case you have lost your keystore build version 2.7 with new keystore and import settings from previous version as described in the troubleshooting section.
Autosens (Hint - no action necessary)
Autosens is changed to a dynamic switching model which replicates the reference design.
Autosens will now switch between a 24 and 8 hours window for calculating sensitivity. 이는 둘 중 더 민감한 것을 선택할 것입니다.
사용자가 oref1을 사용했을 경우, 8시간 또는 24시간의 민감도 변경으로 인하여 시스템이 변화에 덜 역동적임을 인지할 수 있을 것입니다.
Set Pump Password for Dana RS (if using Dana RS)
Pump password for Dana RS was not checked in previous versions.
Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of screen)
Scroll down and click triangle next to “Dana RS”.
Click “Pump password (v1 only)”
Enter pump password (Default password is different depending on firmware version) and click OK.
To change password on Dana RS follow instructions on DanaRS page.