Open Humans Uploader
Donate your data for science
You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! This helps scientists to pay it forward, develop new scientific ideas and broaden the open mind of open source closed loop systems. AAPS is ready to synchronize your data with Open Humans, a platform allowing you to upload, connect, and store your personal data – such as genetics, activity and health data.
You retain full control about what happens to your data and what projects you want to support by giving them access to your data. Depending on the project you have joined, data is evaluated and used by them in different ways and extent.
The following data will be uploaded to your Open Humans account:
Glucose values
Careportal events (except notes)
Extended boluses
Profile switches
Total daily doses
Temporary basals
Temp targets
Application version
Device model
Screen dimensions
Secret or private information such as your Nightscout URL or API secret will not be uploaded.
Create your account on Open Humans if not already done. You can reuse your existing Google or Facebook accounts if you wish to.
Enable the “Open Humans” plugin in Config Builder > Synchronization.
Open its setting using the cog wheel button. You can restrict upload to times when phone uses Wi-Fi and/or is charged.
Open the Open Humans Plugin (either trough OH tab or hamburger menu) and click “LOGIN”.
Read the given information about the Open Humans Uploader and terms of use carefully.
Confirm by checking the box and click “LOGIN”.
Open Humans website will be opened. Login with your credentials.
Decide whether you want to hide your AAPS Uploader membership in your public Open Humans profile.
Click button “Authorize project”.
Returning to AAPS you will see a prompt that login succeeded.
Keep Open Humans Uploader plugin and phone turned on for setup to complete.
After clicking close you will see your member ID. Queue sizes > 0 shows that there is still data to be uploaded.
Click “LOGOUT” if you want to stop uploading data to Open Humans.
Android notification will inform you about running upload.
You can manage your data by logging in to the Open Humans website.
Terms of Use
This is an open source tool that will copy your data to Open Humans. We retain no rights to share your data with third parties without your explicit authorization. The data the project and app receive are identified via a random user ID and will only be securely transmitted to an Open Humans account with your authorization of that process. You can stop uploading and delete your upload data at any time via Beware that some projects that receive data may not support this.
Also see Open Humans Terms of Use.
Data Privacy
Open Humans takes care of protecting your privacy by assigning a numerical ID to you for each project. This allows projects to recognize but no identify you. The Application ID uploaded by AAPS is similar and only helps administrate the data. More information can be found here: