How to translate strings for the AAPS app or the documentation
For the the strings used in the app go to and login using your GitHub account
For the documentation please visit and login using your GitHub account
Send a join request to the docs team. Για να το κάνετε, κάντε κλικ στη σημαία της τη γλώσσα που επιθυμείτε και, στη συνέχεια, το κουμπί «Συμμετοχή» στην πάνω δεξιά γωνία της επόμενης σελίδας. Please specify language, give some information about you and your AAPS experience and if you want to be a translator or proofreader (only people skilled in translating + advanced AAPS users).
Time for Approval :class: note
The approval is a manual step. As non profit organization we don’t provide SLAs but in general the approval will be done in < 1 day. If not please contact the Doc team via Facebook or Discord.
<br />* When we approve you, click the flag

## Translation of the app
### Translate strings for AAPS app
* If you have no preference for strings you translate just select the "Translate All" button to start. It will show you the strings which need translation.

* If you want to translate an individual file please search for the file via search dialog or tree structure and click on the filename to start the translation work on strings in that file.

* Translate sentences on left side by adding new translated text or use & edit suggestion

### Proofread strings for AAPS app
* Proofreaders start by selecting "Proofread" when starting from the language home screen.

and approve translated texts

When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next version of AAPS.
## Translation of the documentation
* Click the name of the docs page you want to translate

* Translate sentences by sentence
1. The yellow text is the text you are working at the moment.
1. The green text is already translated. You don't need to do this again.
1. The red text is the remaining text which have to be translated.
1. This is the source text you are working on at the moment
1. This is the translation you are preparing. You can copy the text from above or select one of the suggestions below.
1. These are the suggestion for a translation. Especially you can see how much Crowdin rates this as a fit or if it was already just in the past and come up through text rearrangements but not content change.
1. Press the "save" button to save a proposal for the translation. It will then promoted to a proofreader for final check.

* A translated page will not be published in docs before
1. the translation is proofread
1. the sync run between Crowdin and Github finished (once an hour) which creates an PR for Github.
1. the PR in Github was approved.
In general this needs 1 - 3 days but might during holiday take a little bit longer.
### Translating links
```{admonition} Links are not translated anymore
:class: note
Links are not translated anymore. In the past we had a topic here but this is gone as through migraton to Markdown and the myst_parser we explicitly create labels in the english text and propagate these labels under the hood to the languages.
You are translating the text which represents the link. Please you have to be carefull not to remove the link which is represented by a pair of <0></0>
tags or if their are more in one paragraph other numbers.
It’s the proofreaders job to have a special look on this!
Οι επιμελητές (proofreaders) πρέπει να αλλάξουν στη λειτουργία Επιμέλειας (Proofreading mode)
και να εγκρίνουν μεταφρασμένα κείμενα
When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next docs build which happens in no fixed schedule on demand but around once a week except during hollidays. To speed up the process you can inform docs team about new translations.