CGMs/FGMs Configuration

This section provides a brief overview of all compatible CGMs/FGMs with AAPS.

Tip: If you can display your glucose data in xDrip+ app, you can choose xDrip+ as BG source in AAPS.

  • General recommendations

  • Data Smoothing

  • xDrip+Settings

  • Nightscout as BG Source: While it’s possible to use Nightscout as a BG source for closed-loop insulin delivery, this method is not recommended due to its reliance on stable mobile data or Wi-Fi connectivity. This means your CGM data would only be received by AAPS when you have an online connection to your Nightscout site. For a more reliable set up, using a CGM with local broadcast from the receiver (as listed below) to AAPS, is a much better option.


Available BG Sources

Dexcom G7 and ONE+

xDrip+ or DiaKEM app (select BYODA)

Dexcom G6 and ONE

xDrip+ or BYODA

Dexcom G5


Libre 3

xDrip+ (no transmitter needed)

Libre 2

xDrip+ (no transmitter needed)

Libre 1

xDrip+, Glimp, Tomato or Diabox. Need a transmitter like Bluecon or MiaoMiao


xDrip+ or ESEL/Eversense patched App + MM640g

Enlite (MM640G/MM630G)

xDrip+ or MM640g + 600SeriesAndroidUploader App

