
The current version of AAPS (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. The next AAPS version (3.3) will require Android 11.0 or above. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred.
As of November 2024, several users have reported issues with Android 15 and Bluetooth connection. You may wish to delay the update to Android 15, especially if you are using Omnipod Dash or Dexcom G7. Check Facebook or Discord for latest updates on this subject.
Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of AAPS up to date for safety reasons. However, for users unable to use a device with Android 11.0 or newer, earlier versions of AAPS compatible for older Android versions, remain available, see: Release notes.

List of tested Phones

We maintain a list of the tested hardware setups.

This list provides user feedback on the usage of a phone along with AAPS and a given pump and CGM. It can help you check if your phone / pump / CGM has been used successfully by other users.

The document is read-only. With CRTL-F, you can search in the text of the Google sheet.

To record your test of a hardware setup, please fill in this form. After you fill in the form data, the sheet is updated automatically every 5 minutes

Any problems with the spreadsheet, please contact its maintainer, @theodoor5137, on Discord, or see the Where can I get help? page.

I didn’t find my phone

If you have questions regarding a specific phone model, please search or ask in our Facebook or Discord community.

To make a donation of smartphone or smartwatch models that still need testing, please email

Phone Wallpaper

If you want to decorate your phone with more AAPS, you can download your background image here!

phone background

Design: Thiago :)