Release notes
Please follow the instructions in the update manual. You can also find a troubleshooting section addressing the most common difficulties when updating on the update manual page.
You will receive the following information as soon as a new update is available:
Then you have 60 days to update. If you do not update within these 60 days AAPS will fall back to LGS (low glucose suspend - see glossary) as in objective 6.
If you do not update for another 30 days (90 days from new release date) AAPS will switch to Open Loop.
Please understand that this change is not intended to bug you but is due to safety reasons. New versions of AAPS do not only provide new features but also important safety fixes. Therefore it is necessary that every user updates a.s.a.p.. Unfortunately there are still bug reports from very old versions so this is a try to improve safety for every single user and the whole DIY community. Thanks for your understanding.
First version of AAPS
The first test version started already in 2015. In 2016 has been the first released version.
The chronology of these releases is not available at the moment but as this questions is asked severeal times we document it here.
Android version and AAPS version
If your smartphone uses an Android Version older than Android 9 you will not be able to use AAPS v3 and up as it requires at least Android 9.
In order to allow users with older Android to use older version of AAPS new versions were pushed which only change version verification. No other improvements are included.
Android 11 and up
Use latest AAPS version
Download AAPS Code from
Android 9,10
Use AAPS version
Download AAPS Code from branch
Android 8
Use AAPS version
Download AAPS Code from branch
Android 7
Use AAPS version 2.6.2
Download AAPS Code from branch 2.6.2
WearOS version
AAPS requires at least WearOS API level 28 (Android 9)
WearOS 5, API level 34 (Android 14) has limitations.
Version 3.3 is close ! Use the version switcher at the bottom right of your screen to see what’s new.
Version dedicated to @Philoul
Release date: 23-10-2023
Important hints
NS 15 is required
While using websockets in NS v3 plugin treatments entered through NS UI (plus button) and other applications using v1 API are not sent to AAPS. This will be fixed in future release of NS. Always use the same client (v1 or v3) in AAPS and AAPSClient until NS fully switch to v3 internaly. The same is valid for AAPS and AAPSClient itself.
Websockets in v3 plugin works similiar way to v1 plugin. Without websockets enabled AAPS schedules regularly downloads from NS which should lead to lower power consumption because NS is not permanently connected. On the oposite side it means delays in exchanging data. Please read here the important comments from the dev team before you use it!
If you are using xdrip as cgm source you must select it again after update due to internal changes
Tidepool can be used as a replacement of NS to pass first objective
If you send to xDrip+ you must configure xDrip synchronization plugin. In order to receive BGs from AAPS in xDrip, “xDrip+ Sync Follower” must be selected as source
If you want to switch to ComboV2 driver, Ruffy must be uninstalled and pump paired again to AAPS
In order to use DynISF plugin you have to start Objective 11 (all previous must be in finished state to allow start of 11)
EOPatch2 / GlucomenDay pump driver @jungsomyeonggithub @MilosKozak
ComboV2 pump driver (no need of Ruffy) @dv1
Medtrum Nano driver @jbr7rr
Korean DanaI support @MilosKozak
Glunovo CGM support @christinadamianou
G7 support @MilosKozak @rICTx-T1D @khskekec
NSClient v3 plugin @MilosKozak
Tidepool support @MilosKozak
Smoothing plugin @MilosKozak, @justmara, Exponential smoothing @nichi (Tsunami), Average smoothing @jbr7rr
DynamicISF plugin @Chris Wilson, @tim2000s
Garmin watchface & HeartRate support @buessow
New logo @thiagomsoares
New watchface @Philoul
fixed tons of issues from 3.1 version
allow add notes on more places @Sergey Zorchenko
UI fixes @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Andries-Smit @yodax @Philoul @dv1 @paravoid
new SMS commands LOOP LGS/CLOSED @pzadroga
wear translations @Andries-Smit
xdrip communication moved to separate module @MilosKozak
internal changes: updated libs versions, rx3 migration, new modules structure @MilosKozak
Diaconn driver fixes @miyeongkim
more database maintenance options @MilosKozak
AAPSClient provides info if main phone is plugged in electricity @MilosKozak
Change in BolusWizard. If CGM is not available percentage is ignored (ie 100% is used)
migration to kts build system @MilosKozak
improved CI integration @MilosKozak @buessow
tests cleaup @ryanhaining @MilosKozak
new 110k+ lines of code, changed 240k lines, 6884 changed files
Important comments on using v3 versus v1 API for Nightscout with AAPS
v1 is the old protocol used for exchanging data between NS web site and NS server. It has many limitations
v1 sends only 2 days of data
v1 send all 2 days data on every reconnection
using websockets is mandatory = permanent connection, more battery compsumption
during frequent disconnects to NS connection is paused for 15 minutes to prevent high data usage
v3 is new protocol. More safe and efficient
while using tokens you can better define access rights
protocol is more efficient on both sides (AAPS & NS)
It can read up to 3 months of data from NS
you can choose to use or to not use websockets on every device (using means faster updates, not using means lower power compsumption, but slower updates ie. minutes)
NSClient is not paused on disconnections
NS 15 must be used with AAPS 3.2
v3 doesn’t see updates done by v1 protocol (probably it will be resolved in some future version of NS)
in opposite because of old uneffective method of tracking changes v1 see changes done by v3
remember NS still uses v1 internaly so far thus is not possible to enter data through NS web UI if you are using v3. You must use AAPSClient on SMS if you want enter data remotely
because of all above you should choose only one method and use it on all devices (remember all other uploaders at time of writing this are using v1). If you decide to go to v3, select v3 in AAPS and all AAPSClients
v3 is preffered because of efficiency
using websockets or not using with v3 depends on your preference
it HIGHLY recommended to let AAPS gather all data and then upload it to NS as a single uploader. All other devices/applications should only read from NS. By doing it you’ll prevent conflicts and sync errors. This is valid for getting BG data to NS using Dexcom Share connector etc. too
Version 3.1.0
Release date: 19-07-2022
Important hints
after update uninstall Wear app and install new version
Omnipod users: update on pod change !!!
fixed issues from 3.0 version
fix application freezing @MilosKozak
fixed DASH driver @avereha
fixed Dana drivers @MilosKozak
huge UI improvement, cleanup and unification, migration to material design, styles, white theme, new icons. @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul
widget @MilosKozak
Aidex CGM support @andyrozman @markvader (Pumpcontrol only)
Watch Wear OS tiles, translations @Andries-Smit
Wear code refactored. Not backward compatible anymore @MilosKozak
a11y improvements @Andries-Smit
new protection option PIN @Andries-Smit
allow graph scale from menu @MilosKozak
more statistics available @MilosKozak
MDI plugin removed in favor of VirtualPump
new automation action: StopProcessing (following rules)
Version 3.0.0
Release date: 31-01-2022
Important hints
Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.
Data is not migrated to new database. Do not complain, it’s so huge change so it’s simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new profile switch and start with zero IOB and COB. Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs
Use the same version of AAPS and NSClient
Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 3.0 as described here.
Preparation steps
At least two days before update:
disable Dexcom bridge in Nightscout
if you are using G5/G6 and xDrip as a collector, you have to update xDrip to a nightly version newer than 14th January 2022
if you are using G5/G6 switching to BYODA as collector is recommended to take advantage of back-smoothing (you can still use xDrip for other purposes, xDrip can receive data from BYODA)
100k lines changed, 105k new lines of code
Omnipod DASH support @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg
Dana-i support @MilosKozak
Glunovo support
Internal database upgraded to Room @MilosKozak @Tebbe @AdrianLxm @Philoul @andyrozman
Lot of code rewritten to Kotlin @MilosKozak
New internal interface for pump drivers
NSClient rewritten for better synchronization and more detailed customization @MilosKozak
Record deletion from NS is not allowed (only invalidation through NSClient)
Record modification from NS is not allowed
Sync setting available without engineering mode (for parents)
Ability to resync data
Profile switch behavior change. Now is distinguished between Profile Switch (something that user wants) and Profile change (when change is executed by pump) @MilosKozak @Tebbe
You can start activity temporary target during creation of profile switch @MilosKozak
NSProfile is gone, just local profile can be used. Local profile can be synced to NS. @MilosKozak.
Forgotten master password reset procedure @MilosKozak
User actions tracing @Philoul
New automation TempTargetValue trigger @Philoul
New automation Careportal action @Philoul
Add Bolus reminder in Carbs Dialog @Philoul
Bolus Wizard improvement
UI improvements @MilosKozak
New user buttons for automations @MilosKozak
New automation layout @MilosKozak
History browser updated and fixed @MilosKozak
Objective9 removed @MilosKozak
Fixed bug associated to unstable CGM data @MilosKozak
DanaR and DanaRS communication improvement @MilosKozak
CircleCI integration @MilosKozak
Files location change:
/AAPS/extra (engineering mode)
/AAPS/logs /AAPS/exports
Version 2.8.2
Release date: 23-01-2021
Please see also important hints for version below.
stability improvements
more tweaking for Android 8+
improved icons
watch improvements
NSClient fixes
Bolus advisor now works with Pumpcontrol and NSClient
Release date: 12-01-2021
Important hints
Option NS_UPLOAD_ONLY has been forced ON for all 2.8.1 users.
If you use NSClient to enter TT, carbs or profile switches you must turn it off in AAPS but only in case your synchronization is working well (ie. you don’t see unwanted data changes like self modification of TT, TBR etc).
ATTENTION: DO NOT do this if you have any other app handle treatments ( like xDrip broadcast/upload/sync…).
NS_UPLOAD_ONLY can only be turned off if engineering mode is enabled.
Major changes
RileyLink, Omnipod and MDT pump improvements and fixes
fix for SMB & Dexcom app
watchface fixes
crash reporting improved
gradle reverted to allow direct watchface instalation
automation fixes
RS driver improvement
various crashes fixed
UI fixes and improvements
new translations
Version 2.8.0
Release date: 01-01-2021
Important hints
Minimum Android version is 8.0 now. For older Android versions you can still use from old repo.
Objectives have changed. Finish not completed objectives before update.
Repository location still on . If you are not familiar with git the easiest way for update is remove directory with AAPS and do a new clone.
Please use Android Studio 4.1.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Omnipod Eros support @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @TeleRiddler @vanelsberg @eurenda and special thanks to @ps2 @itsmojo, everybody else involved in the Loop driver for Omnipod and @jlucasvt from
bolus advisor & eating reminder @MilosKozak
New watchface @rICTx-T1D
Dana RS connection improvements @MilosKozak
Removed “Unchanged CGM values” behavior in SMB for Dexcom native app
New “Pregnant” patient type @Brian Quinion
New NSClient tablet layout @MilosKozak
NSClient transfer insulin, senstivity and display settings directly from main AAPS @MilosKozak
Preferences filter @Brian Quinion
New pump icons @Rig22 @@teleriddler @osodebailar
SetupWizard improvements @MilosKozak
Security improvements @dlvoy
Various improvements and fixes @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @Brian Quinion
Version 2.7.0
Release date: 24-09-2020
Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 2.7 as described here.
You need at least start objective 11 (in later versions objective 10!) in order to continue using Automation feature (all previous objectives must be completed otherwise starting Objective 11 is not possible). If for example you did not finish the exam in objective 3 yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start objective 11. This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives!
Major new features
internal use of dependency injection, updates libraries, code rewritten to kotlin @MilosKozak @AdrianLxM
using modules for Dana pumps @MilosKozak
new layout, layout selection @MilosKozak
new status lights layout @MilosKozak
multiple graphs support @MilosKozak
Profile helper @MilosKozak
visualization of dynamic target adjustment @Tornado-Tim
new preferences layout @MilosKozak
SMB algorithm update @Tornado-Tim
Low glucose suspend mode @Tornado-Tim
carbs required notifications @twain47 @Tornado-Tim
removed Careportal (moved to Actions) @MilosKozak
new encrypted backup format @dlvoy
new SMS TOTP authentication @dlvoy
better support for tiny basals on Dana pumps @Mackwe
small Insight fixes @TebbeUbben @MilosKozak
“Default language” option @MilosKozak
vector icons @Philoul
set neutral temps for MDT pump @Tornado-Tim
History browser improvements @MilosKozak
removed OpenAPS MA algorithm @Tornado-Tim
removed Oref0 sensitivity @Tornado-Tim
Biometric or password protection for settings, bolus @MilosKozak
new automation trigger @PoweRGbg
Open Humans uploader @TebbeUbben @AdrianLxM
New documentation @Achim
Release date: 04-05-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3 - second attempt
Otherwise is equal to Update is optional.
Release date: 03-05-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3
Otherwise is equal to Update is optional.
Release date: 19-04-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Fix crashing in Insight service
Otherwise is equal to If you are not affected by this bug you don’t need to upgrade.
Release date: 06-04-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Resolves SMS CARBS command issue while using Combo pump
Otherwise is equal to 2.6.1. If you are not affected by this bug you don’t need to upgrade.
Version 2.6.1
Release date: 21-03-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Allow to enter only
in NSClient settingsFixed BGI displaying bug on watches
Fixed small UI bugs
Fixed Insight crashes
Fixed future carbs with Combo pump
Fixed LocalProfile -> NS sync
Insight alerts improvements
Improved detection of boluses from pump history
Fixed NSClient connection settings (wifi, charging)
Fixed sending of calibrations to xDrip
Version 2.6.0
Release date: 29-02-2020
Please use Android Studio 3.6.1 or newer to build the apk.
Major new features
Small design changes (startpage…)
Careportal tab / menu removed
New Local Profile plugin
Local profile can hold more than 1 profile
Profiles can be cloned and edited
Ability of upload profiles to NS
Old profile switches can be cloned to new profile in LocalProfile (timeshift and percentage is applied)
Veritical NumberPicker for targets
SimpleProfile is removed
Extended bolus feature - closed loop will be disabled
MDT plugin: Fixed bug with duplicated entries
Units are not specified in profile but it’s global setting
Added new settings to startup wizard
Different UI and internal improvements
Fixed language support
Objectives: Allow to go back, Time fetching dialog
Automation: allow sorting
Automation: fixed bug when automation was running with disabled loop
New status line for Combo
GlucoseStatus improvement
Fixed TempTarget NS sync
New statistics activity
Allow Extended bolus in open loop mode
Android 10 alarm support
Tons on new translations
Version 2.5.1
Release date: 31-10-2019
Please note the important notes and limitations listed for version 2.5.0. * Fixed a bug in the network state receiver that lead to crashes with many (not critical but would waste a lot of energy re-calculating things). * New versioning that will allow to do minor updates without triggering the update-notification.
Version 2.5.0
Release date: 26-10-2019
Important notes
Please use Android Studio Version 3.5.1 or newer to build the apk or update.
If you are using xDrip identify receiver must be set.
If you are using Dexcom G6 with the patched Dexcom app you will need the version from the 2.4 folder.
Glimp is supported from version 4.15.57 and newer.
Is this update for me? Currently is NOT supported
Android 5 and lower
Patched Dexcom from 2.3 directory
Major new features
Internal change of targetSDK to 28 (Android 9), jetpack support
RxJava2, Okhttp3, Retrofit support
Old Medtronic pumps support (RileyLink need)
Allow to bolus only part from bolus wizard calculation
Rendering insulin activity
Adjusting IOB predictions by autosens result
New support for patched Dexcom apks (2.4 folder)
Signature verifier
Allow to bypass objectives for OpenAPS users
New objectives - exam, application handling (If you started at least objective “Starting on an open loop” in previous versions exam is optional.)
Fixed bug in Dana* drivers where false time difference was reported
Fixed bug in SMS communicator
Version 2.3
Release date: 25-04-2019
Major new features
Important safety fix for Insight (really important if you use Insight!)
Fix History-Browser
Fix delta calculations
Language updates
Check for GIT and warn on gradle upgrade
More automatic testing
Fixing potential crash in AlarmSound Service (thanks @lee-b !)
Fix broadcast of BG data (works independently of SMS permission now!)
New Version-Checker
Version 2.2.2
Release date: 07-04-2019
Major new features
Autosens fix: deactivate TT raises/lowers target
New translations
Insight driver fixes
SMS plugin fix
Version 2.2
Release date: 29-03-2019
Major new features
Wear Update
SMS plugin update
Go back in objectives.
Stop loop if phone disk is full
Version 2.1
Release date: 03-03-2019
Major new features
Accu-Chek Insight support (by Tebbe Ubben and JamOrHam)
Status lights on main screen (Nico Schmitz)
Daylight saving time helper (Roumen Georgiev)
Fix processing profile names comming from NS (Johannes Mockenhaupt)
Fix UI blocking (Johannes Mockenhaupt)
Support for updated G5 app (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak)
G6, Poctech, Tomato, Eversense BG source support (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak)
Fixed disabling SMB from preferences (Johannes Mockenhaupt)
If you are using non default
value you have to setup this value again
Version 2.0
Release date: 03-11-2018
Major new features
oref1/SMB support (oref1 documentation) Be sure to read the documentation to know what to expect of SMB, how it will behave, what it can achieve and how to use it so it can operate smoothly.
_Accu-Chek Combo pump support
Setup wizard: guides you through the process of setting up AAPS
Settings to adjust when switching from AMA to SMB
Objective 10 must be started for SMBs to be enabled (SMB tab generally shows what restrictions apply)
maxIOB now includes _all_ IOB, not just added basal. That is, if given a bolus of 8 U for a meal and maxIOB is 7 U, no SMBs will be delivered until IOB drops below 7 U.
min_5m_carbimpact default has changed from 3 to 8 going from AMA to SMB. If you are upgrading from AMA to SMB, you have to change it manually
Note when building AAPS 2.0 apk: Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle plugin! If your build fails with an error regarding “on demand configuration” you can do the following:
Open the Preferences window by clicking File > Settings (on Mac, Android Studio > Preferences).
In the left pane, click Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler.
Uncheck the Configure on demand checkbox.
Click Apply or OK.
Overview tab
Top ribbon gives access to suspend/disable loop, view/adjust profile and to start/stop temporary targets (TTs). TTs use defaults set in preferences. The new Hypo TT option is a high temp TT to prevent the loop from too aggressively overcorrection rescue carbs.
Treatment buttons: old treatment button still available, but hidden by default. Visibility of buttons can now be configured. New insulin button, new carbs button (including eCarbs/extended carbs)
Option to show a notes field in insulin/carbs/calculator/prime+fill dialogs, which are uploaded to NS
Updated prime/fill dialog allows priming and creating careportal entries for site change and cartridge change
Separate build variant dropped, included in regular full build now. To use bolus controls from watch, enable this setting on the phone
Wizard now only asks for carbs (and percentage if enabled in watch settings). Which parameters are included in the calculation can be configured in the settings on the phone
confirmations and info dialogs now work on wear 2.0 as well
Added eCarbs menu entry
New plugins
PocTech app as BG source
Dexcom patched app as BG source
oref1 sensitivity plugin
App now uses drawer to show all plugins; plugins selected as visible in config builder are shown as tabs on top (favourites)
Overhaul for config builder and objectives tabs, adding descriptions
New app icon
Lots of improvements and bugfixes
Nightscout-independent alerts if pump is unreachable for a longer time (e.g. depleted pump battery) and missed BG readings (see Local alerts in settings)
Option to keep screen on
Option to show notification as Android notification
Advanced filtering (allowing to always enable SMB and 6h after meals) supported with patched Dexcom app or xDrip with G5 native mode as BG source.