Config Builder
Depending on your settings you can open Config Builder through a tab at the top of AAPS’ screen or through the hamburger menu.
The Config Builder is the tab where you turn the modular features on and off. In the picture below, the boxes on the left-hand side (A) allow you to select which modules you want activated, the boxes on the right-hand side (C) allow you to view these as a tab (E) in AAPS. In case the right box is not activated, you can reach the function by using the hamburger menu (D) on the top left of the screen. See Tab or hamburger menu below.
When there are additional settings available within the module, you can click on the cog wheel (B) which will take you to the specific settings within preferences.
This module can not be disabled as it is a core part of AAPS.
See Your AAPS Profile for a basic understanding of what goes inside your Profile.
Select the type of insulin you are using.
More information to understand the Insulin Profile as shown in AAPS here.
Insulin type differences
The options ‘Rapid-Acting Oref’, Ultra-Rapid Oref’, ‘Lyumjev’ and ‘Free-Peak Oref’ all have an exponential shape.
For ‘Rapid-Acting’, ‘Ultra-Rapid’ and ‘Lyumjev’ the DIA is the only variable you can adjust by yourself, the time to peak is fixed.
Free-Peak allows you to adjust both the DIA and the time to peak, and must only be used by advanced users who know the effects of these settings.
The insulin curve graph helps you to understand the different curves.
Rapid-Acting Oref
recommended for Humalog, Novolog and Novorapid
DIA = at least 5.0h
Max. peak = 75 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable)
Ultra-Rapid Oref
recommended for FIASP
DIA = at least 5.0h
Max. peak = 55 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable)
special insulin profile for Lyumjev
DIA = at least 5.0h
Max. peak = 45 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable)
Free Peak Oref
With the “Free Peak 0ref” profile you can individually enter the peak time. To do so click to cogwheel to enter advanced settings.
The DIA is automatically set to 5 hours if it is not specified higher in the profile.
This effect profile is recommended if an unbacked insulin or a mixture of different insulins is used.
BG Source
Select the blood glucose source you are using. See BG Source page for more setup information.
NSClient BG - only if you know what you are doing, see BG Source.
Glimp - only version 4.15.57 and newer are supported
Tomato App for MiaoMiao device
Glunovo App for Glunovo CGM system
Random BG: Generates random BG data (Demo mode only)
Select the pump you are using. See Compatible pumps page for more setup information.
Dana R Korean (for domestic DanaR pump)
Dana Rv2 (DanaR pump with unofficial firmware upgrade)
Accu Chek Combo
Driver using Ruffy (requires ruffy installation)
Omnipod for Omnipod Eros
Dash for Omnipod DASH
Virtual pump: open loop - AAPS suggestions only
as you make you first steps with AAPS, during the first objectives
for pump which doesn’t have any driver yet
Sensitivity Detection
Select the type of sensitivity detection. For more details of different designs please read on here. This will analyze historical data on the go and make adjustments if it recognizes that you are reacting more sensitively (or conversely, more resistant) to insulin than usual. More details about the Sensitivity algorithm can be read in the OpenAPS docs.
You can view your sensitivity on the homescreen in an additional graph. You can view your sensitivity on the homescreen by selecting SEN and watching the white line. Note, you need to be in Objective 8 in order to let Sensitivity Detection/Autosens automatically adjust the amount of insulin delivered. Before reaching that objective, the Autosens percentage / the line in your graph is displayed for information only.
Absorption settings
If you use Oref1 with SMB you must change min_5m_carbimpact to 8. The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity “uses up” all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. At times when carb absorption can’t be dynamically worked out based on your blood’s reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe.
Select the desired APS algorithm for therapy adjustments. You can view the active detail of the chosen algorithm in the OpenAPS(OAPS) tab.
Advanced Meal Assist: older algorithm not recommended anymore.
In simple terms, the benefits are after you give yourself a meal bolus, the system can high-temp more quickly IF you enter carbs reliably.
Super Micro Bolus: most recent algorithm recommended for all users.
In contrast to AMA, SMB does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly small Super Micro Boluses.
Note : It is recommended to use this algorithm from the beginning, even though you will not actually get SMBs delivered until Objective 9.
If switching from AMA to SMB algorithm, min_5m_carbimpact must be changed manually to 8 (default value for SMB) in Preferences > Sensitivity detection > Sensitivity Oref1 settings.
This module should not be disabled as it is a core part of AAPS.
AAPS has a learning program (a series of objectives) that you have to fulfill step by step. This should guide you safely through setting up a closed loop system. It guarantees that you have set everything up correctly and understand what the system does exactly. This is the only way you can trust the system.
See Objectives page for more information.
In this section, you can choose if/where you want AAPS to send your data to.
NSClient or NSClientV3
Can be used as a reporting server and/or for remote monitoring, remote control.
See Synchronization with the reporting server to help you choose between NSClient (v1) and NSClientV3.
Can be used as a reporting server.
See Tidepool.
Used to send data such as treatments to xDrip+.
Open Humans
See Open Humans.
Monitor and control AAPS using your Android WearOS watch (see page Watchfaces).
Samsung Tizen
Broadcast data to Samsung’s G-Watch Wear App (Tizen OS).
Connection to Garmin device (Fenix, Edge…)
If you view the Treatments (Treat) tab, you can see the treatments that have been uploaded to nightscout. Should you wish to edit or delete an entry (e.g. you ate less carbs than you expected) then select ‘Remove’ and enter the new value (change the time if necessary) through the carbs button on the home screen.
This is the main screen of AAPS and can not be disabled.
Show notes field in treatment dialogs
Choose if you want to have a notes field when entering treatments or not.
Status lights
Choose if you want to have status lights on overview for cannula age, insulin age, sensor age, battery age, reservoir level or battery level. When warning level is reached, the color of the status light will switch to yellow. Critical age will show up in red.
Advanced settings
Deliver this part of bolus wizard result: When using SMB, many people do not meal-bolus 100% of needed insulin, but only a part of it (e.g. 75 %) and let the SMB with UAM (unattended meal detection) do the rest. In this setting, you can choose a default value for the percentage the bolus wizard should calculate with. If this setting is 75 % and you had to bolus 10u, the bolus wizard will propose a meal bolus of only 7.5 units.
Enable super bolus functionality in wizard (It is different from super micro bolus!): Use with caution and do not enable until you learn what it really does. Basically, the basal for the next two hours is added to the bolus and a two hour zero-temp activated. AAPS looping functions will be disabled - so use with care! If you use SMB AAPS looping functions will be disabled according to your settings in “Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to”, if you do not use SMB looping functions will be disabled for two hours. Details on super bolus can be found here.
A tab offering multiple buttons to take actions in AAPS.
A tab for managing your Automations, starting at Objective 10.
SMS Communicator
Allows remote caregivers to control some AAPS features via SMS, see SMS Commands for more setup information.
Displays the food presets defined in the Nightscout food database, see Nightscout Readme for more setup information.
Note: Entries cannot be used in the AAPS calculator. (View only)
Monitor and control AAPS using your Android Wear watch (see page Watchfaces). Use settings (cog wheel) to define which variables should be considered when calculating bolus given though your watch (i.e. 15min trend, COB…).
If you want to bolus etc. from the watch then within “Wear settings” you need to enable “Controls from Watch”.
Through Wear tab or hamburger menu (top left of screen, if tab is not displayed) you can
Resend all data. Might be helpful if watch was not connected for some time and you want to push the information to the watch.
Open settings on your watch directly from your phone.
Access this tab to export / import settings.
Config Builder
This current tab.