Sestavení AAPS

Vyrobte si místo stažení

The AAPS app (an apk file) is not available for download, due to regulations around medical devices. Je legální vytvořit aplikaci pro své vlastní použití, ale nesmíte dát kopii ostatním!

See FAQ page for details.

Specifikace hardware a softwaru pro vytvoření AAPS

OS (Only 64 bit) Windows 8 or higher Mac OS 10.14 or higher Any Linux supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE;  GNU C Library 2.31 or later

CPU (Only 64 bit)

x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD CPU with support for a
Windows Hypervisor
ARM-based chips, or 2nd generation Intel Core or newer with support for
x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD processor with support for AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) and SSSE3


8GB or more


At least 30GB free space. SSD is recommended.


1280 x 800 Minimum



It is strongly recommended (not mandatory) to use SSD (Solid State Disk) instead of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) because it will take less time when you are building the AAPS apk file. You can still use a HDD when you are building the AAPS apk file. Pokud to uděláte, dokončení procesu sestavení může trvat dlouho, ale jakmile začnete, můžete ho nechat bez dozoru.

Pomoc a podpora během procesu sestavení

If you run into difficulties in the process of building the AAPS app, there is a dedicated troubleshooting Android Studio section, please consult that first.

If you think something in the building instructions is wrong, missing or confusing, or you are still struggling, please reach out to other AAPS users group on Facebook or Discord. If you want to change something yourself (updating screenshots etc), please submit a pull request (PR).