Nastavení reportovacího serveru

There are currently two reporting servers available for use with AAPS:

Reporting Servers

Doporučujeme používat Nightscout.


Nightscout is a web application that can log and display your CGM data and AAPS data and creates reports. It is a powerful platform which has been integrated into AAPS for many years. It enables users and caregivers to track the patient’s diabetes data in near real-time (only a few seconds may pass between data reception and data provision if there is a sufficient Internet connection between all components involved). It also allows caregivers to send remote commands to AAPS.

Nightscout je poskytován jako open source software. Kdokoli může vytvořit a provozovat Nightscout server, a to buď zdarma, nebojako placenou službu.

You can find more information on the website of the Nightscout project.

Option 1 - Set up your Nightscout server yourself

Vytváření Nightscout reporting serveru může vyžadovat jednu nebo více webových aplikací, které budou vyžadovat údržbu. Aby byla služba zcela zdarma, možná budete muset migrovat vaše stránky Nightscout a data, pokud poskytovatelé přestanou poskytovat servis zdarma.

A description of how you can set up Nightscout with the advantages and disadvantages of the various operating options, including an estimate of the costs, can be found here.

Možnost 2 - Zaplaťe si hostovanou službu Nightscout

Existují také možnosti od různých poskytovatelů služeb, kteří pro vás hostují Nightscout za měsíční poplatek. Náklady jsou zvládnutelné a výhodou hostovaného řešení je, že nemusíte IT znalosti ani ani mít provozní infrastrukturu.

Stávající uživatelé Nightscoutu mohou čas od času přehodnotit, kde a jak je jejich Nightscout server hostován, a přejít na jiné řešení, pokud se stane vhodnější.

Some Nightscout hosted services are listed here.

Further configuration of Nightscout

Once you have your Nightscout instance up and running, see Nightscout configuration page for additional considerations.


Tidepool has only been available in AAPS since version 3.2 which was released in late 2023.

Tidepool with AAPS is only for reporting

As there is a delay of three hours between data income and data reporting when using AAPS, Tidepool it is not suitable for sharing real-time information with caregivers.
On the other hand, Tidepool can be a great solution for sharing reports with a patient’s endocrinologist if Nightscout is not an accepted solution.

Tidepool is an open source project. Nabízí bezplatné provozování účtu na serverech Tidepool.

More information about setting up Tidepool with AAPS here.

AAPS has a the uploader for Tidepool integrated

You do not need to use the uploader app to Tidepool: AAPS will upload blood glucose, treatments and basal for you. You only need a personal account with Tidepool. Do not upload your data with the separate Tidepool uploader tool as it will lead to duplicate values.

Next step

Once you have set up your reporting server, you can now either set up a dedicated Google account for AAPS use, or go straight to building the AAPS app.