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Dexcom G6 a ONE
Základní nastavení
Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation here.
General hints for looping with G6 and ONE
Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data.
If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation.
Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Jestliže nastřelujete senzor s předstihem, pak jej pravděpodobně v zájmu co nejlepších výsledků bude nutné zkalibrovat.
Read more in the article published by Tim Street at www.diabettech.com.
If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+
If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are ignored.
If you are using a modded transmitter you do not need to use preemptive restarts.
If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is disable preemptive restarts. Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-native mode (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn’t filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days.
The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone.
When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. K vysílači se nelze připojit prostřednictvím obou aplikací xDrip+ a Dexcom současně!
If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the BYODA (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+.
You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings.
If not already set up, download xDrip+ and follow the instructions on xDrip+ settings page.
Select xDrip+ in in ConfigBuilder, BG Source.
Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to xDrip+ settings page
Pokud chcete použít G6 s vlastní vytvořenou upravenou Dexcom aplikací
Build Your Own Dexcom App (BYODA) supports local broadcast to AAPS and/or xDrip+ (not for G5/ONE/G7 sensors!)
Tato aplikace vám umožní používat vysílač Dexcom G6 s libovolným telefonem s Androidem.
Uninstall the original Dexcom app or patched Dexcom app if you used one of those previously (do not stop the currently running sensor)
Install the downloaded apk
Enter sensor code and transmitter serial no. in patched app.
In phone settings go to apps > Dexcom G6 > permissions > additional permissions and press ‚Access Dexcom app‘.
Po krátkém čase by BYODA měla zachytit signál vysílače.
Settings for AAPS
Select ‚Dexcom App (patched)‘ in in ConfigBuilder, BG Source.
If you don’t receive any values select any other data source, then re-select ‚Dexcom App (patched)‘ to trigger the demand for permissions to establish the connection between AAPS and BYODA-broadcast.
Nastavení pro xDrip+
Jako zdroj dat vyberte ‚640G/Eversense‘.
Command ‚start sensor‘ must be performed in xDrip+ in order to receive values. Toto neovlivní aktuální senzor ovládaný vaší upravenou Dexcom aplikací.
Troubleshooting G6 and ONE
Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting
Scroll down to Troubleshooting here.
Obecné řešení problémů
General Troubleshooting for CGMs can be found here.
Nový vysílač se spuštěným senzorem
Pokud se stane, že budete měnit vysílač na spuštěném senzoru, pokuste se odejmout vysílač, aniž byste poškodili samotný senzor. A video can be found here. If you opt for this solution instead, you must be careful to avoid damaging sensor contacts with the strip.