Compatible CGMs

This section provides a brief overview of all compatible CGMs/FGMs with AAPS.

Tip: If you can display your glucose data in xDrip+ app, you can choose xDrip+ as BG source in AAPS.

  • General recommendations

  • Data Smoothing

  • xDrip+Settings

  • Nightscout as BG Source: While it’s possible to use Nightscout as a BG source for closed-loop insulin delivery, this method is not recommended due to its reliance on stable mobile data or Wi-Fi connectivity. This means your CGM data would only be received by AAPS when you have an online connection to your Nightscout site. For a more reliable set up, using a CGM with local broadcast from the receiver (as listed below) to AAPS, is a much better option.


Available BG Sources

Dexcom G7 and ONE+

xDrip+, DiaKEM app or Juggluco

Dexcom G6 and ONE

xDrip+ or BYODA (only G6)

Dexcom G5


Libre 3

xDrip+ (no transmitter) or Juggluco

Libre 2

xDrip+ (no transmitter) or Juggluco

Libre 1

xDrip+, Glimp, Tomato or Diabox. Need a transmitter


xDrip+ or ESEL/Eversense patched App

Enlite (MM640G/MM630G)

xDrip+ or MM640g + 600SeriesAndroidUploader App





Syai Tag

Syai Tag

Sibionics CGM



Trusted BG data sources

Regulatory approved CGMs for commercial hybrid closed loop systems are considered trusted BG data sources.

In order for AAPS to correctly identify them, the app sending BG readings must be able to provide sensor information.

Trusted data sources allow SMB delivery, all the time.


CGM app

Dexcom G5/G6

BYODA, xDrip+ (Direct, Native)

Dexcom G7

DiaKEM, xDrip+ (Direct, Native)

Dexcom ONE/ONE+/Stelo

xDrip+ (Direct, Native)

Libre 2/2+ (EU)

Juggluco, xDrip+ (Direct)

Libre 2/2+/3/3+


Note: xDrip+ Companion app and Followers are not trusted data sources.