Cправочная информация по самостоятельно создаваемым циферблатам часов
Эта страница предназначена для создателей новых циферблатов. Здесь будут перечислены все ключевые моменты и функции, доступные при создании или анимировании новых циферблатов.
New features and keys available in Custom Watchface V2 (Wear apk 3.3.0 or above) are available here
Формат настраиваемых циферблатов
Настраиваемый циферблат - это открытый формат, разработанный для AAPS и связанный с новым интерфейсом «AAPS (Custom)», доступным на часах.
Файл циферблата - это простой zip-файл, но он должен распознаваться как файл Watchface и должен содержать следующие файлы:
Один файл изображения под названием CustomWatchface (пользовательский циферблат) (это может быть растровый файл
или векторныйCustomWatchface.svg
). Этот файл представляет собой маленькую иконку, используемую для выбора циферблата часов, когда вы нажимаете на кнопку «Загрузить циферблат», а также изображение, видимое из модуля расширения AAPS Wear.One file named
(see JSON structure below). Этот второй файл является главным файлом, который будет содержать всю информацию, необходимую для создания циферблата часов. This json file must be valid (it’s probably the most tricky point when you edit manually this file within a text editor, because a missing or additional comma is enough to break the json format). This JSON file must also include a"metadata"
bloc with a"name"
key with not empty value. This will be the name of your custom watchface (see Metadata settings below)размер этого zip-файла должен быть как можно меньше (менее 500 кб). Если этот файл слишком большой, он будет заблокирован и не будет передан на часы.
Zip-файл может также содержать дополнительные файлы ресурсов:
Hardcoded file names for images that will be used used in standard views included in the watchface (like
… see List of hardcoded resource files below). All these files can be eitherjpg
format. но для большинства из них следует использоватьpng
, которые управляют прозрачностью (jpg меньше по размеру по сравнению с png, но без прозрачности). Обратите внимание, что наилучшее качество, связанное с наименьшим размером, обычно имеют svg файлы (векторный формат).Файлы дополнительных ресурсов с произвольными именами. Эти дополнительные файлы могут быть либо файлами изображений, либо файлами шрифтов (для шрифтов возможны форматы
). Учтите, что для этих дополнительных файловимя файла
(без расширения) будет использоваться в качестве значения ключа keyValue в файле JSON, чтобы указать, где или когда должны использоваться эти файлы.файлы изображений часто используются в качестве фона для текстов или для динамической анимации (например, уровень заряда батареи от 0% до 100%).
файлы шрифтов позволяют использовать специальные шрифты на циферблате часов
JSON Structure
Файлы JSON можно редактировать в текстовом редакторе Notepad (или notepad++) (лучше notepad++, который распознает JSON и цветовое форматирование)
it contains string keys
and key values that can be strings like"key value"
, integer, boolean liketrue
or block of data.каждое значение разделяется запятой
Блок данных начинается
и заканчивается}
файл json представляет собой целый блок, поэтому он начинается с
и заканчивается на}
, и внутри этого файла все встроенные блоки связаны с"ключом"
, который должен быть уникальным внутри блокаЧтобы улучшить читаемость json-файла, он обычно имеет отступ (каждый новый ключ находится на новой строке, каждый новый блок смещен вправо на 4 пробела)
Настройки метаданных
Этот блок первым включается в файл json, и является обязательным. Он содержит всю информацию, связанную с циферблатом, такую как название, имя автора, дата создания или обновления, номер авторской версии или версии расширения.
Ниже приведен пример блока метаданных:
"метаданные": {
""имя": "Циферблат часов по умолчанию",
"автор": "myName",
"created_at": "07\/10\/2023",
" author_version": "1.0",
"cwf_version": "1.0",
"комментарий": "Циферблат по умолчанию, вы можете нажать на кнопку ЭКСПОРТ циферблата, чтобы сгенерировать шаблон"
Обратите внимание, что /
, используемый для обозначения даты, является специальным символом, поэтому для правильного распознавания в файле json перед ним следует поставить символ «escape» \
В каком-либо json-файле можно увидеть дополнительный ключ "имя файла"
, этот ключ будет автоматически создан или обновлен, когда пользовательский циферблат часов будет загружен в AAPS (он будет демонстрировать пользователю имя zip-файла в папке экспорта), этот ключ находится в блоке метаданных и его можно удалить.
Общие настройки параметров
After the first block with metadata, you will set some general parameters (see List of general parameters below), this allow you to set Graph colors (Carbs, Bolus, BG values…), and also default colors for value in range, hyper or hypo (default colors of BG value and arrows)
Ниже представлен пример общих параметров
""цвет высоких": "#FFFF00",
""цвет средних": "#00FF00",
""цвет низких": "#FF0000",
""Цвет низкого заряда батареи": "#E53935",
""цвет углеводов": "#FB8C00",
""цвет фона базала": "#0000FF",
""цвет базального центра": "#64B5F6",
""цвет сетки": "#FFFFFF",
"Размер точки": 2,
""включить секунды": true,
Настройки режима просмотра
Нужное изображение можно настроить, используя правильное имя файла, привязанное к каждому ImageView, включенному в пользовательский макет циферблата, в этом случае блок json здесь только для определения позиции, размера, видимости/невидимости, и при необходимости настройки цвета:
См. ниже пример блока изображения для секундной стрелки (в данном случае изображение не включено в zip-файл, поэтому будет использовано стандартное изображение, но настроенное с пользовательским цветом.
"second_hand": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"color": "#BC906A"
Чтобы секундная_стрелка была окрашена в цвет ГК по умолчанию (низкий диапазон, средний диапазон или высокий диапазон), нужно просто изменить последний линь ligne с помощью величины KeyValue bgColor
"color": "bgColor"
Настройки TextView
TexView имеет больше доступных параметров по сравнению с ImageView: можно настроить поворот (целое значение в градусах), размер текста (целое значение в пикселях), гравитацию (чтобы определить, будет ли текстовое значение центрировано (значение по умолчанию) или выровнено влево или вправо), установить шрифт, FontStyle и fontColor, а также цвет фона текстового представления
"basalRate": {
"width": 91,
"height": 32,
"topmargin": 133,
"leftmargin": 249,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 23,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "default",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#BDBDBD"
Note that if you don’t want to manage one view within your watchface, then put the "visibility"
key to "gone"
but also set size and position outside visible area like that:
"second": {
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "gone",
"textsize": 46,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "default",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#BDBDBD"
If size and position are within visible area, you can get some «flash» of the hidden value during the refresh of the watchface.
If you want to customize background image of a text view, then you can use the key "background":
and put the filename of image included into zip file as keyValue, you can also just change the background color using "color:"
"background": "fileName"
You also have 4 specific textViews (named freetext1 to freetext4) that have a specific parameter "textvalue":
that can be used to set for example a label
ChartView settings
Chart view is a very specific view that can share some parameters with ImageView or with TextView…
Standard settings for this view is very simple:
"chart": {
"width": 400,
"height": 170,
"topmargin": 230,
"leftmargin": 0,
"visibility": "visible"
The 2 additional parameters you can include for Chart view is a background color (default is transparent), using "color"
key or a background image using "background"
How to build/design your first Watchface
Tools required
Text editor: my advice is to use NotePad++ (or equivalent) that is a simple text editor, but added value is you can see formated text with color code, so it’s easier to detect errors. any simple text editor do the jod. it will be used to tune json informations
Image editor (bitmap and/or vector)
If you use Bitmap
Image editor should be able to manage transparency (required for all image above background), and png format (if you used bitmap image)
Background image can be in jpg format (smaller that png)
Image editor should allow you to measure in pixel graphical objects (can be a simple square) (top, left, width, heigth)
Image editor should be able to show you colors with RRVVBB code in hexadecimal
Image editor should be able to resize image to 400px x 400px (very important to work with this resolution)
If you use Vector
Vector image should be exported in svg format
Get template to not start from scratch
When you want to design your first watchface, the best is to start by the default watchface (this will ensure you to have latest version with all available views correctly sorted)
You can get zip file by clicking on «Export Template» button within Wear plugin and get zip file within AAPS/exports folder
Note that you will need to have a watch connected to AAPS to see Custom Watchface buttons (but watch is also required to check, test and tune your custom watchface)
Default watchface is very simple and zip file will contains only the 2 files:
CustomWatchface.png (image of default watchface for WF selection)
Organize your files within your computer
The easiest way to work is to have phone connected to the computer, and work with to specific folders:
one explorer opened on a specific folder that will have all files (json, bitmap images, vector images, fonts), and the CustomWatchface.zip file within it
another explorer (or navigation tree tuned) opened to have Phone/AAPS/exports folder available
That way working is very easy: each time you tune json file with a text editor, image with image editor (bitmap or vector) you have to just:
save your modifications in each app
drag and drop all files within CustomWatchface.zip file
drag and drop CustomWatchface.zip into AAPS/exports folder of the phone
send CustomWatchface to the watch to check the results
Initialize Watchface customization
First step you will have to define a watchface Name (necessary to select it easily for testing), and start to tune metadata keys at the begining of json file
Then you will have to define which information you want to show so which view should be visible or hidden.
will you manage second or not?
do you want to design an analog watch or a digital watch (or both…)
Now you can start to modify json file with the "visibility":
key of each view set to "visible"
or "gone"
(if you want to keep or not the view)
You can also start to tune approximativaly top, left margin and width heigth values to start organizing the watchface (these values will be tuned later using image editor)
Note: everything is design within a 400px x 400px rectangle. So everything will be position in absolute coordinates within this size.
When you design your first watchface, you have to know that everything is organized by layer from the Back to the Top, so each view (ImageView or TextView) can hide something that is behind…
Then within json file all views are sorted from the Back to the Top (this will help you to remember what is behind what…)
If you design or tune your first custom watchface, start by simple things: change visibility of some views, include a dedicated background image without changing json file…
Manage colors
Within json file, you will have several keys to specify colors: "color"
, "fontColor"
for views, but also "highColor"
, "midColor"
, "lowColor"
, … (see List of General Parameters)
Colors are specified with a text field that starts by #
followed by RRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue) values in hexadecimal format:
is white, and"#000000"
is black,"#FF0000"
is red…
You can also include 2 additional values for alpha layer and specify a transparency level (AARRGGBB):
is completly transparent, and"#FF000000"
is completly opaque ( so"#FF000000"
is equivalent to"#000000"
You can also use the specific keyvalue "bgColor"
to automatically use "highColor"
, "midColor"
, "lowColor"
specified in general parameters according to BG Value:
"fontColor": "bgColor",
will automatically set the font color of the view according to BG ValueNote that
(for BG Value) anddirection
(for trend arrow) views automatically apply BG colors set into general parameters (for these 2 views, if you want to have different colors, you will have to use advanced dynData feature with one step color…)
For more information concerning ImageViews and "color":
key, see dedicated chapter Tune image color below.
Include Hardcoded images
the easiest way to start tuning your watchface is to include within zip file some images with a specific names (see List of Hardcoded resource files)
Image should be in
format. but be carefull, jpg doesn’t manage transparency, so should be only used for background layer. For all intermediate layers (cover_chart, cover_plate, hands) use eather.png
imageIf you have a vector image editor (like for example Illustrator), prefer this format that will produce small text files with
extension the best quality.You should take care to use exact filename (including High/lower case)
Now if you want a dedicated backgoung image, you only have to include within the zip file a file named Background.jpg
(without changing anything else. send zip file into the watch and check result!.
If you want to customize hour_hand, minute_hand or second_hand for an analog watch, simply include HourHand.png
(or HourHand.svg
), MinuteHand.png
and SecondHand.png
these images will automatically rotate around the center of the image, so the images should be set to 00:00:00 (and for a «full frame» analog watch, use a size of 400 x 400 px positioned at top 0 left 0)
You can also noticed within List of Hardcoded resource files that for each image view, you have two additional hardcoded filenames High
and Low
(for example you can include other images named BackgroundHigh.jpg
and BackgroundLow.jpg
within zip file). then image will automatically change according to you BG level (within Range, Hyper or Hypo). See AIMICO watchface as example.
Tune image color
key can be used to tune default image color:
applied on background view, it will set the background color (default black)
applied on cover_plate (simple dial) or hands, it will change the default image (white) by the color specified (including
When you apply "color"
key on a bitmap image (.jpg
or .png
), color will apply an interresting effect on color saturation. So you will still recognize your bitmap.
Finally on .svg
image file, "color"
key will have no effect, consider color of vector files as hardcoded within the image. If you want to change colors, you will have to include several svg
files, and use advanced dynData feature to change it
Use additional fonts for TextViews
Several defaults font are already available within wear apk (see font keys included into key values chapter). But if you want to use additional fonts not available as default, you can include addtional fonts within zip file:
the 2 accepted font format are
filesif you include a custom font within zip file, for example with a file named
, then you will have to use the filename to use it within json file for a TextView:
"font": "myCustomFont",
Keep in mind that some fonts can be included into big files (and you are limited to a maximum size for zip file). So if you only use very few characters (numbers, .
, ,
), you can use free tools to remove unused characters (for example here) and then reduce font size.
Advanced features
Preferences Feature
CustomWatchface can automatically tune some watch preferences to have the correct visualization of the watchface (if authorization is given within Wear preferencesby the user).
But this feature should be used with care. Preferences are common with all other watchfaces. So several rules to respect with this feature:
never set preferences concerning hidden views
try to maximize the visible views
feel free to oversize the width of certain views:
TBR can be shown as percentage (small width, but also as absolue values much wider)
delta or avg delta with detailed information can be wide
same for iob2: this view can have total iob, but if detailed iob is selected, then text size can be very long
If you still need some very specific settings to have a correct display (in example below, if there is not enough space for detailed iob, you can «force» this parameter to false
of your watch, you can include within metadata block some settings constraint like that
"metadata": {
"name": "Default Watchface",
"author": "myName",
"created_at": "07\/10\/2023",
"author_version": "1.0",
"cwf_version": "1.0",
"comment": "Default watchface, you can click on EXPORT WATCHFACE button to generate a template",
"key_show_detailed_iob": false
If user authorize custom watchface to modify watch parameter (setting within wear plugin) then Show detailed iob will be set to «disable», and locked to disable (no modification of this parameter possible, until authorization is disabled within wear plugin parameter, or another watchface is selected)
Note that when a user select a watchface, he can see the number of «required parameter» during watchface selection
In example below Gota watchface has one required parameter. If authorization is not given it will be shown in white color, but authorization is given, then this parameter will be set and locked on the watch (in this case the number is in orange color)
TwinView Feature
Twin views provide an easy way to adjust the view position based on the visible views. This does not have the power of a layout entirely made up of LinearLayout, but can handle many common cases.
На этом примере виден циферблат AAPS (Кокпит) со всеми данными, которые можно сделать видимыми в настройках и тот же циферблат с отключенными опциями «показывать батарею платформы» и «показывать среднее изменение»
You can see that when one of the twin views is hidden, the other is shifted to be centered
in this example, you can see that within "uploader_battery"
block, we have "twinView":
key is added to define "rig_battery"
view, and in "rig_battery"
block "twinView":
key define "uploader_battery"
as twin. Then then additional key "leftOffsetTwinHidden":
define the number of pixel to shift the view when twin is hidden.
To calculate this number, you can see that the difference between the leftMargin of each of the twin views is 50 pixels, so the offset to stay centered is half in one direction or the other.
If the twin views are positioned vertically, in this case you must use the key "topOffsetTwinHidden":
"uploader_battery": {
"width": 49,
"height": 30,
"topmargin": 354,
"leftmargin": 150,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 23,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "roboto_condensed_bold",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#FFFFFF",
"twinView": "rig_battery",
"leftOffsetTwinHidden": 25
"rig_battery": {
"width": 49,
"height": 30,
"topmargin": 354,
"leftmargin": 200,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 23,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "roboto_condensed_bold",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#FFFFFF",
"twinView": "uploader_battery",
"leftOffsetTwinHidden": -25
DynData Feature
DynData is the most powerfull feature if you want to include some animation within you watchface, according to some internal values (like BG value, BG level, delta, % of battery… see list of available data here)
To illustrate this feature, I will take the example of AAPS (SteamPunk) watchface:
In this watchface, we will have to manage the rotation of BG value (from 30 degrees to 330 degrees) on the right, the dynamic range of avg_delta (scale up to 5mgdl, 10mgdl or 20mgdl according to value), the rotation of pointer that should be synchronized to the scale, and also the different layer of the views…
To be able to manage this Watchface, see below all the images included into the zip file:
Note: to be able to see the transparency, all these images are on a yellow background and surrounded by a red square
On the first row, Background.jpg and CoverPlate.png will be automatically mapped with associated view (default views filename), and steampunk_pointer.png will be managed by dynData
On the second row you see the 3 scales of dynamic range for avg_delta that will also be managed by dynData
On the third row, chartBackground.jpg will be linked manually within chart view, HourHand.png and finally MinuteHand.png files will be automatically mapped with associated views
Background management
First, concerning BG value image, no choice here, it can only be in the background layer (otherwize it will be in front of the chart view and chart will not be visible!). So we will have to map BG value to the background, and then rotate background image according to BG value.
Within "background"
block, we will include 2 dedicated keys to make this rotation:
"background": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"dynData": "rotateSgv",
"rotationOffset": true,
"visibility": "visible"
key will define which block should be used to define the animation (value, range, convertion…) here this block was named «rotateSgv» (choose an explicit name when you use this feature),
"rotationOffset": true,
will define that the expected animation according to value should be a rotation. (others available keys are "leftOffset"
and "topOffset"
if you want to create a slider)
Now we will go at the end of the file, after the last view:
"second_hand": {
"width": 120,
"height": 120,
"topmargin": 140,
"leftmargin": 140,
"visibility": "gone"
"dynData": {
"rotateSgv": {
"valueKey": "sgv",
"minData": 30,
"maxData": 330
You can see that after the latest view ("second_hand"
), we added a new "dynData": { ... }
block that will contains all the animations:
The block defined within "background"
view was named "rotateSgv"
, it’s the first block you will find into "dynData"
This block is simple: you have a first key named "valueKey":
that will be used to define which value should be used. in this case "sgv"
is a «keyValue» that defines BG value (note that in most cases the keyValue has the same name that the view that shows this information).
Concerning BG value, default min data is set to 39mgdl and max data is set to 400mgdl (see DynData reference key values below all available keyValues and associated min/max data values).
Within "rotateSgv"
block the two additional keys ("minData":
and "maxData":
) will be used to tune min and max data to 30 and 330. With these min and max values, we will be able to directly use data value (without any convertion) to rotate background in degrees. In this situation all BG values above 330mgdl will be limited to 330, upper limit of the image.
Chart management
Default background of chart is transparent, so to hide BG scale included into background image, we will need to include a dedicated background image (this image will include the overall shadows of Steampunk watchface). The link to charBackground.jpg file is done with "background":
Of course, the sizing and positioning of the view must be done to the pixel!
"chart": {
"width": 216,
"height": 107,
"topmargin": 280,
"leftmargin": 80,
"visibility": "visible",
"background": "chartBackground"
Avg delta management
To be able to manage dynamic range of avg delta, we will use the four freetext views. freetext1 will be used to manage the image scale, and freetext2 to freetext4 will be used to manage pointer rotation according to scale.
As explain before, freetext views are in front of chart and in front of background, that’s why we included transparent area to see these images (right side and bottom side of the image)
Note that the removed bottom part of these images has been used as background of chart to have a perfect integration.
"freetext1": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"dynData": "avgDeltaBackground"
For this view we include the link to another "dynData"
block named avgDeltaBackground
. This block will manage avgDelta scale according to avgDelta value.
"avgDeltaBackground": {
"valueKey": "avg_delta",
"minData": -20,
"maxData": 20,
"invalidImage": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_5",
"image1": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20",
"image2": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20",
"image3": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10",
"image4": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_5",
"image5": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_5",
"image6": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10",
"image7": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20",
"image8": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20"
will make the link with"avg_delta"
valuemin and max Data will also limit the range to the maximum value available within this watchface (from -20mgdl to 20mgdl). For mmol users, keep in mind that all internal values are always in mgdl within AAPS.
Then we will see here how to manage dynamic background image according to value.
is the key to manage image to show when we have an invalid data (or missing data). Here we make the link to additional resource image including into zip file with 5 mgdl scale
Then we will use a serie of images, starting from "image1":
to "image8":
. The number of provided images will define the number of steps between minData
and maxData
will define image to show when avg_delta is equal or close tominData
and the image with the highest number (hereimage8
) will be used to define the image that should be shown when avg_delta is equal or close tomaxData
between -20mgdl and 20mgdl, the overall range is 40mgdl, devided by 8 (number of images provided), we will have 8 steps of 5mgdl
Now we can map background images according to avg_delta value, starting from the lowest values: between -20 and -15, and also between -15 and -10 we will use
for the scale, then between -10 and -5steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10
, and so on until +15 and +20 where we will again usesteampunk_gauge_mgdl_20
background image
freetext2 to freetext4
For these views will will combine dynamic images and rotation feature explained before:
"freetext2": {
"width": 276,
"height": 276,
"topmargin": 64,
"leftmargin": 64,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"dynData": "avgDelta5",
"rotationOffset": true
"freetext3": {
"width": 276,
"height": 276,
"topmargin": 64,
"leftmargin": 64,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"dynData": "avgDelta10",
"rotationOffset": true
"freetext4": {
"width": 276,
"height": 276,
"topmargin": 64,
"leftmargin": 64,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"dynData": "avgDelta20",
"rotationOffset": true
Here each view is dedicated to a specific scale (so is linked to a dedicated dynData block), you can alos notice that "rotationOffset":
key is enabled for these 3 views.Now take a look on the first dynData block:
"avgDelta5": {
"valueKey": "avg_delta",
"minData": -20,
"maxData": 20,
"rotationOffset": {
"minValue": -120,
"maxValue": 120
"invalidImage": "null",
"image1": "null",
"image2": "null",
"image3": "null",
"image4": "steampunk_pointer",
"image5": "steampunk_pointer",
"image6": "null",
"image7": "null",
"image8": "null"
Here, even if dynamic range will be used only between -5 and +5 avg_delta datas, it’s important to keep the overall range of -20, +20mgdl to ensure that the pointer will be synchronize with the background during scale switches. That’s why we keep the same overall range than for avgDeltaBackground
and the same number ot steps (8 images).
You can note that either "invalidImage"
or several "imagexx"
are with "null"
key value (it could be any string not existing as a filename within zip file). When a filename is not found, then view background image will be transparent. So the setting ensure that pointer will only be visible for step 4 and step 5 (avg delta between -5mgdl and +5 mgdl), and will not be visible outside this range.
Now we can see a new block "rotationOffset":
that will have inside two keys "minValue":
and "maxValue":
. These values are used to make the convertion between internal datas (in mgdl), and the angle rotation we want to have.
Steampunk watchface is designed to have maximum from -30 degrees to 30 degrees rotation for the pointer. So according to the scale (here from -5mgdl to 5mgdl), we will want to have 30 degrees for these values. Because
are 4 times greater, then the corresponding minValues and maxValues are 4 * 30 degrees so -120 and +120 degrees. But for all rotation above or below +-30 degrees the pointer will be hidden (no image visible), and the pointer will only be visible for values between -5 and +5mgdl… So it’s exactly what is expected here.
The other dynData blocks are defined the same way to tune "avgDelt10"
and "avgDelta20"
loop view
in Steampunk watchface loop green and red arrows (for status) are disabled, this is also managed with a dedicated dynData block associated to loop view.
"loopArrows": {
"invalidImage": "greyArrows",
"image1": "greenArrows",
"image2": "redArrows"
Because this block is only called by loop View, and default data managed by this view is loop information, then "valueKey":
key is optional.
Default minData
and maxData
for loop are defined to 0min and 28min, so with two images, all data values below 14 min will be shown with background image1
and all data values above 14 min will be shown with image2
. 14 min is exactly the threshold to switch from green arrow to red arrow.
In this example, greyArrows
, greenArrows
and redArrows
files are not included into zip file, so these arrows are just removed (invisible), but you can use this block «as is» if you want to tune status arrows with custom background images.
rig_battery and uploader_battery views
To finish the overview of dynData feature, we will take a look on battery management. The idea here is to customize text color according to battery level (from 0 to 100%)
"uploader_battery": {
"width": 60,
"height": 28,
"topmargin": 100,
"leftmargin": 170,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 20,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "default",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#00000000",
"dynData": "batteryIcons",
"twinView": "rig_battery",
"topOffsetTwinHidden": -13
"rig_battery": {
"width": 60,
"height": 28,
"topmargin": 74,
"leftmargin": 170,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 20,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "default",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"fontColor": "#00000000",
"dynData": "batteryIcons",
"twinView": "uploader_battery",
"topOffsetTwinHidden": 13
You can see here that these both views share the same dynData
block named batteryIcons
. It’s possible because by default attached data is the one of the view (to without specifying a "valueKey":
key within batteryIcons
block, it will be applied with uploader_battery
data or rig_battery
data according to the view).
Note these two views also use TwinView feature explain here.
Now lets take a look on dynData block:
"batteryIcons": {
"invalidFontColor": "#00000000",
"fontColor1": "#A00000",
"fontColor2": "#000000",
"fontColor3": "#000000",
"fontColor4": "#000000",
"fontColor5": "#000000"
Here we use exactly the same logic that for dynamic background image, but with dedicated keys ("invalidFontColor"
and "fontColor1"
to "fontColor5"
to specify 5 steps of 20% each one).
(dark red) will be used for all values below 20%, and white will be used for all values above this threshold.If you want to lower the threshold to «below 10%», you just have to add 5 additional keys from
, but you can also adjust each color if you want progressive variation from green to yellow, orange and red…
DynPref Feature
Before reading this chapter, you have to understand how dynData works, because DynPref is an advanced usage of DynData: You will now be able to adjust each DynData block according to preferences set by the user:
To illustrate DynPref feature, we will use two example:
Steampunk watchface (simple use to include into the same watchface mgdl and mmol version, watchface will automatically switch according to unit selected into aaps).
AAPS V2 watchface will combine different preferences to be able to manage text color and background according to dark and match divider preferences.
Simple usage of dynPref within Steampunk watchface
Within Steampunk, we have to set of images according to units: background
image that will have BG scale and will turn according to BG value. and freeText1
that contains dynamic scale according to avgDelta value.To be able to have one watchface that will automatically show correct units, we should select image according to unit selected.
To do that we will replace dynData
key by a dynPref
key within view block:
"background": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"dynPref": "rotateSgv",
"rotationOffset": true,
"visibility": "visible"
Usage of dynPref
keys will be very close to dynData
keys explained in previous chapter
Now we will take a look at the end of the json file, after dynData
"dynData": {
"dynPref": {
"rotateSgv": {
"prefKey": "key_units",
"true": {
"valueKey": "sgv",
"minData": 30,
"maxData": 330,
"invalidImage": "Background_mgdl",
"image1": "Background_mgdl"
"false": {
"valueKey": "sgv",
"minData": 30,
"maxData": 330,
"invalidImage": "Background_mmol",
"image1": "Background_mmol"
You can see that the dynpref key defined within background
view block ("dynPref": "rotateSgv"
) exists into the dynPref
json block included at the end of json file:
This block should contains a "prefKey"
key that will define which preference should be used. In this example the key "key_units"
is linked to units selected within AAPS on phone, and value is "true"
if selected unit is mgdl, "false"
if selected unit is mmol.
Then you will find two json blocks that will use «dynData» format, and that will be used according to selected preference
Note that the «HardCoded» file name for Background image is now replaced by a dynamic image that will be the same wathever the BG value (Background_mgdl.png
file if key_units is «true», Background_mmol.png
if key_units is false), and we also include an `»invalidImage» key to allways have a background image even if no data has been received from the phone.
Combine different preferences within dynPref with AAPS V2
Most of the time, when you set a preference, it’s not to get «dynamic behaviour», but only the results according to what you select, but within dynPref, it’s considered as a dynamic feature…
when in
you specify one full block of parameters (with images, fontColor, Color, …), withdynPref
, you will be able to combine each parameter according to one specific preference.Here we will see how match devider preference will be associated to dark preference to show when it’s enabled (true) white text on black background on dark watchface (dark parameter true) or black text on white background on light watchface (dark false)…
First lets see the beginning of json file:
"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark",
"pointSize": 2,
"enableSecond": false,
"background": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"topmargin": 0,
"leftmargin": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"dynPref": "dark"
"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark"
will specify the dynPref block of all default colors outside views. These colors will be tuned according to dark parameter within "prefColorDark"
And at the end, within the dynPref
block, you will have a specific dynPref block for default colors:
"prefColorDark": {
"prefKey": "key_dark",
"true": {
"highColor": "#FFFF00",
"midColor": "#00FF00",
"lowColor": "#FF0000",
"lowBatColor": "#E53935",
"carbColor": "#FB8C00",
"basalBackgroundColor": "#0000FF",
"basalCenterColor": "#64B5F6",
"gridColor": "#FFFFFF"
"false": {
"highColor": "#A0A000",
"midColor": "#00A000",
"lowColor": "#A00000",
"lowBatColor": "#E53935",
"carbColor": "#D07C00",
"basalBackgroundColor": "#0000A0",
"basalCenterColor": "#64B5F6",
"gridColor": "#303030"
The difference between this dynPref block and the other standard dynPref blocks used for views is that here you don’t have a dynData block for each value of "key_dark"
parameter, but only the list of main colors (highColor
, midColor
, …)
Lets now take a look on items included into the «divider banner» (in example below "basalRate"
view linked to "matchDivider"
dynPref view:
"basalRate": {
"width": 90,
"height": 32,
"topmargin": 127,
"leftmargin": 242,
"rotation": 0,
"leftOffsetTwinHidden": 33,
"dynPref": "matchDivider"
Then within dynPref block, you can see that Match divider parameter (key_match_divider
key), include the 2 blocks «true» and «false», but these two blocs are only used to define that view will use either «dark» dynBlock (so exactly the same background and text color than the otherviews outside the banner), or «white» dynBLock that will set opposite colors for background and text…
"matchDivider": {
"prefKey": "key_match_divider",
"true": {
"dynPref": "dark"
"false": {
"dynPref": "white"
"dark": {
"prefKey": "key_dark",
"true": {
"color1": "#000000",
"fontColor1": "#FFFFFF"
"false": {
"color1": "#FFFFFF",
"fontColor1": "#000000"
Note that here you are within a «dynData» block, then to define a color or a fontColor, you will use a dynData (not specified here), and a single step ("color1"
and 'fontColor1'
are used)
for all parameter other than
default «invalid value (if not set specifically by"invalidColor"
key or"invalidFontColor"
keys) will be"color1"
Then we will see a third example with iob views (iob1
and iob2
), where we will use smaller text for detailled iob and bigger text for total iob:
"iob1": {
"width": 125,
"height": 33,
"topmargin": 168,
"leftmargin": 275,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 19,
"dynPref": "prefIob1"
"iob2": {
"width": 125,
"height": 33,
"topmargin": 196,
"leftmargin": 275,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 24,
"leftOffsetTwinHidden": -10,
"dynPref": "prefIob2"
You will see within default view settings the text size (19 on iob1
and 24 on iob2
) and the two different dynPref
block that should tune textsize (according to detailed iob parameter), and colors (according to dark parameter)
"prefIob1": {
"prefKey": "key_show_detailed_iob",
"true": {
"dynPref": "dark",
"textsize1": 24
"false": {
"dynPref": "dark"
"prefIob2": {
"prefKey": "key_show_detailed_iob",
"true": {
"dynPref": "dark",
"textsize1": 19
"false": {
"dynPref": "dark"
You can see here that according to detailed iob parameter ("key_show_detailed_iob"
key), when it’s «true» then textsize is defined to a fix value bigger than default (24 instead of 19): this is done using textsize «step» feature, within only one value so one step… (note that for all parameter others than images,if invalidTextSize is not set, then textsize1 will be used for invalid data)
Then «dark» dynPref block will be used to set colorand fontColor
In this example the dynData block that will be used for iob1 view will be if detailed IOB is enabled and dark enabled:
"color1": "#000000",
"fontColor1": "#FFFFFF",
"textsize1": 24
So the text will be inwhite on black background and the size 24 will replace default size of 19 set into the view
The dynData block that will be used for the same view iob1 if detailed IOB is disabled and dark disabled will be:
"color1": "#FFFFFF",
"fontColor1": "#000000"
Now the text will be in black on white background with a size of 19
Tips and tricks for dynPref
You can combine as many pref than you want, but be carefull, the number of blocks to describe can increase very fast (it’s exponential): if you chain 3 parameters and you want to define all situations, you will have 8 blocks to describe, if each parameter has only 2 values…
Be carefull to not build «infinite loop» (for example if dynpref1 block should be completed by dynpref2 block that should be completed by dynpref1 block…). In this case the dynpref blocks will be considered as invalid…
Do not forget to include the numéric index after the key (when you use for example
key within a view, you will have to use"textsize1"
within the dynPref value block, because it’s a «dynData» format, so linked to value with a single step in this case)Only one key
should be set for one view, so if the finaldynData
block is built from severaldynPref
blocks, do not include several"valueKey"
(and associated"minData"
, …)
New Features in CustomWatchface V2 (AAPS V3.3.0 or above)
Note that the watchfaces using these new features or views will require the latest wear apk built from 3.3.0 version of AAPS.
If you use a zip «v2» with a watch that includes CustomWachface V1, you will have missing information or wrong content into the watchface.
CustomWatchface V2 includes these new features:
Show External datas for Follower (up to 3 set of datas within one single Watchface, for AAPS, AAPSCLIENT and AAPSCLIENT2)
New Status view
The key of this view is "status"
and associated block is automatically included into the template exported from wear apk «Custom Watchface V2» (built from AAPS 3.3.0 version or above)
This view was included into previous AAPS (NoChart), AAPS (BigChart) and AAPS (Large) previous existing watchfaces available and include a string value (built within wear apk).
These previous watchfaces has been removed and replaced by 3 new custom watchfaces in AAPS 3.3.0.
the minimum information is IOB value (always visible whatever IOB parameter into watch)
then you have detailed IOB values (BolusIOB|BasalIOB) if enabled within preferences
and BGI value (again if enabled within preferences)
This "status"
view is associated with "key_show_loop_status"
key (within dynPref) to manage visibility.
This view could be managed in V1 using "iob1"
, "iob2"
and "bgi"
existing views, but with the need of complex dynPref settings to manage spacing within each information according to different settings selected within Watch.
New TempTarget view
The key of this view is "tempTarget"
and associated block is automatically included into the template exported from wear apk «Custom Watchface V2» (built from AAPS 3.3.0 version or above).
It shows within watchface:
Profile target (single value or min-max target values) (default color in white)
Loop adjusted target (default color in Green)
Temp Target defined by user (default color in Yellow)
This "tempTarget"
view is associated with "key_show_temp_target"
key (within dynPref) to manage visibility.
The DynData Key (associated with color information) is "tempTarget"
(default DynData key associated with TempTarget View)
DynData value equals:
0 (Profile Target),
1 (Loop Target) or
2 (User Temp Target)
Note that this view is also available for external data (see below) with "tempTarget_Ext1"
and "tempTarget_Ext2"
keys (View and DynData)
New Reservoir Level view
The key of this view is "reservoir"
and associated block is automatically included into the template exported from wear apk «Custom Watchface V2» (built from AAPS 3.3.0 version or above).
This view show Reservoir level (in U
) with a White default color, Yellow if Warning Level, Red if Urgent Level
This "reservoir"
view is associated with "key_show_reservoir_level"
key (within dynPref) to manage visibility.
The DynData Keys associated with Reservoir Level are:
(Default DynData Key associated with Reservoir Level view) associated with level in insulinU
Min Value is 0.0 U
Max Value is 500.0 U
0 (Standard Level, White Color by default)
1 (Warning Level, Yellow color by default)
2 (Urgent Level, Red color by default)
Note that this view is also available for external data (see below) with "reservoir_Ext1"
, "reservoir_Ext2"
, "reservoirLevel_Ext1"
and "reservoirLevel_Ext2"
keys (View and DynData).
New Formating feature for DynData or DynPref
You can now manage a custom formating of raw values received by the watch and included in dyndata key value table below.
To illustrate how this feature works, lets take as an example AAPS (Large) watchface and look at the results according to «time ago value» and the new «status» view visible or not:
In first screenshot in the left, status view is visible (with IOB, detailed IOB and BGI), so only 1/3 of the line is available to show timestamp (very compact information with
, and for uploader battery informationU: 55%
)In second screenshot, now
view has been hidden in watch parameter, so you have a lot of place available to show full label for timestamp information and uploader battery (1 minute ago
andUploader : 55%
)In the third screenshot in the right, you have exactly the same setting within watch, but now timestamp has changed and is above «1». now the custom watchface is able to show the lable updated with plural management (
2 minutes ago
I will not explain below how the whole views are managed within zip file (positionning of each view according to different settings), but I will only focus on the way we manage formating feature and associated dynamic value within AAPS (Large) watchface.
This feature requires «dynamic block» (it can be either a dynData
block or a dynPref
For AAPS (Large) Watchface, we wanted to have the format tuned according to parameters (short or long format according to
view visibility) so we used adynPref
block for that.
First lets start by the views:
"uploader_battery": {
"width": 200,
"height": 50,
"topmargin": 175,
"leftmargin": 0,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 25,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "roboto_condensed_light",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"dynPref": "uploader",
"dynValue": false,
"fontColor": "#BDBDBD"
"timestamp": {
"width": 200,
"height": 50,
"topmargin": 175,
"leftmargin": 0,
"rotation": 0,
"visibility": "visible",
"textsize": 25,
"gravity": "center",
"font": "roboto_condensed_light",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"dynPref": "timestamp",
"dynValue": false,
"fontColor": "#FFFFFF"
here the most important key is "dynValue"
: Having this key information will enable dynamic management of raw value. the boolean behind (true or false) will define if value should be «converted or not»
: raw value will be use as it is without any limitation or convertiontrue
: raw value will be converted (usingminData
keys in dynData block and usingminValue
defined in dynData)
For this watchface, raw values are used without any convertion, so for both views, "dynValue"
key as been set to false
Now we will take a look on "uploader"
block defined within "dynPref"
"uploader": {
"prefKey": "key_show_loop_status",
"true": {
"dynPref": "uploader_true_ago",
"invalidTextvalue": "U: --",
"textvalue1": "U: %.0f%%"
"false": {
"dynPref": "uploader_false_ago",
"invalidTextvalue": "Uploader: --",
"textvalue1": "Uploader: %.0f%%"
By default "uploader_battery"
view is linked to "uploader_battery"
, so no need to add an explicit line with
"valueKey": "uploader_battery"
(min value 0, max value 100, and raw value is percentage of phone battery)
The formating string is included into "textvalue1"
key ("textvalue1"
, "textvalue2"
, etc keys are linked to "textvalue"
key that could be included into view
key can be used with formating information within the view block (in this situation format will be static, whatever the value or the settings)If you want to modify formating information according to settings or values, thenall dynData feature can be applied, and the dedicated keys are
key (without «formating information» because value is not valid) and"textvalue1"
… (and as many values that you want to manage steps between minData and maxData)the additional
keys are used to define other blocks for positioning variation and color variation depending on visible views, dark and matchDivider settings
Concerning now the formating string, syntax is the following: %[flags][width][.precision]f
is the begining of a formating,f
is the end and should be used for Double value convertion.Note that if you want to use
character within your string, you will have to use%%
to specify that it’s not a formating string but percentage character.
is optional, mainly can be+
if you always want a sign before the number, or(
if you want negative values in parentheses[width]
is optional, define the minimum number of characters to be written to the output[.precision]
used to define number of digits after radix point.Note that values are Double so it’s wise to always set a precision (to avoid a lot of characters after radix point due to kotlin precision)
So in the above example %.0f
will show Double value as an integer
Let’s now take a look on timestamp dynPref block to manage plural:
"timestamp": {
"prefKey": "key_show_loop_status",
"true": {
"dynPref": "timestamp_true_uploader",
"invalidTextvalue": "U: --",
"textvalue1": "%.0f'"
"false": {
"dynPref": "timestamp_false_uploader",
"minData": 0,
"maxData": 3,
"invalidTextvalue": "-- minute ago",
"textvalue1": "%.0f minute ago",
"textvalue2": "%.0f minutes ago"
here if
view is visible (so"key_show_loop_satus"
key istrue
), a single format is used ("textvalue1"
), with'
as «unit»if
view is hidden, you have 2 different format used one for 0 or 1 with singular, and another format for values above 2 with plural"minData"
are used to define the range and be sure the switch from singular to plural will be done between 1 and 2 valuesNote that
(integer) has been set to 3 and not 2, just because Double data managed into the system is not integer, so a value a bit above or a bit lower 1 may have singular or plural format even if after rounding to integer, the value equals 1.
view, it’s important to set"dynValue"
key tofalse
, otherwize because of formating (singular/plural), all values above 3 will be limited to3 minutes ago
with convertion usingmaxData
Additional comment concerning formating feature
keep in mind that the only dynamic values available are the one listed here
values are in mgdl unit, if you want to use formating fetaure to show values in mmol units, you will have to manage mgdl to mmol convertion. Within adynData
block, the key that should be used to name the block that will include"minValue"
for value convertion should be named"dynValue": { ... }
. (see Dyn Data Keys)If within a view you want to use a static formating string, with
key to define format, and"dynValue"
key to define usage of dynamic value, then you will have to also use a"dynData"
or a"dynPref"
block (even if empty), to be able to use formating feature."textvalue1"
to textvaluen can be used without formating feature to replace double value step by a dedicated text label (for example with"day_name"
key value and seven steps to define custom name of the dayx of the week, … )For full documentation you can see Class Formatter
Show External datas for Follower
Custom Watchface is now able to display on the same watchface up to 3 set of data: AAPS, AAPSCLIENT and AAPSCLIENT2
To use this feature, you need to:
have at leat 2 of the 3 following apps installed in phone (AAPS, AAPSCLIENT, AAPSCLIENT2)
enable Broadcast data in AAPSCLIENT and/or AAPSCLIENT2 to broadcast data to the main app used to sync with CustomWatchface (AAPS or AAPSCLIENT)
Use a CustomWatchface that implement Views with Key including
(see Key and KeyValue reference below)
Note that if main app in phone is AAPSCLIENT and secondary app which broadcast data is AAPSCLIENT2, you will have to enable Switch external datas in watchface
parameter within Custom Watchface dedicated parameter if you use a watchface which use standard views and Ext1 additional views (Ext1 is linked to AAPSCLIENT and Ext2 is linked to AAPSCLIENT2)
Additionally three new views ("patient_name"
, "patient_name_Ext1"
and "patient_name_Ext2"
*) has been added to be able to automatically include patient name (set within AAPS preferences) within watchface (see example below)
Key and KeyValue reference
List of Metadata keys
List of Standard information metadata keys
Key |
Comment |
Name of custom watchface |
Name or pseudo of the author(s) |
Creation (or update) date, be carefull |
Watchface plugin compatible with the design of your watchface |
The author can specify here the version of his watchface |
Free text that can be used to give some information or limitation of current watchface |
Preference keys
Key |
Default value and Comment |
true will lock detailed IOB data on view |
false (only if design is not compatible with the width of detailed delta for |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
true if your design requires |
Internal keys
Key |
Comment and |
This key will be created (or updated) automatically when the watchface is loaded and will contains local zip filename within exports folder |
this key will be created (when the watchface is loaded) and updated each time authorization preference is changed in Wear settings, and it will be used to synchronize authorization to watch |
List of General parameters
Key |
Comment |
2 (default): size of points in graph (1 for small point, 2 for big points) |
false (default): specify if watchface will manage seconds or not within |
«E» (default): from «E» to «EEEE» specify dayname format (number, short name, full name) tbc |
«MMM» (default): from «M» to «MMMM» specify month format (number, short name, full name) |
List of HardCoded resource files
For most images, High and Low suffix allow tuning of image according to BG level (in Range, Hyper or Hypo)
Filenames |
Comment |
CustomWatchface |
Image shown for watchface selection and within Wear plugin |
Background, |
none (default black): Background image. background is allways visible and default color is black if no image provided. Color can be modified to fit watchface design |
CoverChart, |
none (default): Image in front of Chart (transparency should be available to see Chart behind) Can be used to limit boundaries of graph |
CoverPlate, |
simple dial (default): image in front of all text values. transparency mandatory to see all values that are behind |
HourHand, |
hour_hand (default): image of hour hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image |
MinuteHand, |
minute_hand (default): image of minute hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image |
SecondHand, |
second_hand (default): image of second hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image |
ArrowNone |
?? (default): image shown when no valid arrow is available. |
ArrowDoubleUp |
↑↑ (default): image of double arrow up |
ArrowSingleUp |
↑ (default): image of single arrow up |
Arrow45Up |
↗ (default): image of fortyfive arrow up |
ArrowFlat |
→ (default): image of flat arrow |
Arrow45Down |
↘ (default): image of fortyfive arrow down |
ArrowSingleDown |
↓ (default): image of single arrow down |
ArrowDoubleDown |
↓↓ (default): image of double arrow down |
For each above filenames, extension can be either .jpg
, .png
or .svg
. But be carefull, .jpg
doesn’t manage transparency (so most of the files should be with .png or .svg to not hide view that are behind…)
List of View keys
This list is sorted from background to foreground this is very important when you organize your watchface to know this order because some image or text can be hidden by other images.
Note: all keys including _Ext1
or _Ext2
at the end are new and dedicated for multi users Watchfaces.
Key |
Type of view |
Data attached |
DynData Key |
Image View |
Specific Chart View |
Graphical curves |
Image View |
Text View |
Text View |
Text View |
Text View |
Text View |
Patient Name |
Text View |
IOB label or IOB Total |
Text View |
IOB Total or IOB Detailed |
Text View |
Carb label |
Text View |
COB Value |
Text View |
Short delta (5 min) |
delta |
delta_Ext1 |
Text View |
Avg Delta (15 min) |
avg_delta |
Text View |
BG Target (single value or min - max targets values) |
tempTarget |
Text View |
Reservoir level |
reservoir |
Text View |
phone battery level (%) |
uploader_battery |
Text View |
rig battery level (%) |
rig_battery |
Text View |
% or absolute value |
Text View |
mgdl/(5 min) or mmol/(5 min) |
Text View |
Synthesis of IOB (whatever IOB setting in watch), Detailed IOB (according to setting in watch and BGI (according to setting in watch) |
Text View |
Text View |
HH |
Text View |
MM |
Text View |
SS |
Text View |
AM or PM |
Text View |
name of the day (cf. dayNameFormat) |
day_name |
Text View |
DD date |
day |
Text View |
(WW) week number |
week_number |
Text View |
month name (cf. monthFormat) |
Text View |
min ago since last run and status (color arrows in background), color arrows can be tuned with DynData |
loop |
Image View |
TrendArrows |
direction |
Text View |
integer (min ago) |
timestamp |
Text View |
sgv value (mgdl or mmol) |
sgv |
Image View |
Image View |
Image View |
Image View |
*View added in Custom Watchface V2.0 or above (available on AAPS 3.3.0 wear apk or above)
List of Json keys
Common keys
that can be used on all view types (Text View, image View, graph view)
Key |
type |
comment / value |
int |
width of view in pixel |
int |
heigth of view in pixel |
int |
top margin in pixel |
int |
left margin in pixel |
int |
rotation angle in degrees |
string |
see key value table |
string |
key block name that will specify dynamic data to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation) |
boolean |
include this key with key value true to enable horizontal shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value |
boolean |
include this key with key value true to enable vertical shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value |
boolean |
include this key with key value true to enable rotation (positive or negative value) due to dynData value |
string |
key of the other view (generally the other view also include the twinView parameter with the key of this view in it) |
int |
number of pixel to shift view position vertically if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value) |
int |
number of pixel to shift view position horizontally if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value) |
string |
key block name that will specify dynamic pref to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation) |
TextView keys
Key |
type |
comment |
int |
size of font in pixel (keep in mind that font can include top and bottom margin so the real text size will generally be smaller than the number of pixel set). Note that size should be smaller than view heigth to not be truncated |
string |
see key value table |
string |
see key value table for available fonts. |
string |
see key value table |
string |
Manage color of the font |
boolean |
true if you want text in uppercase (mainly day name or month name) |
string |
string |
Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only) |
string |
Key specific to the 4 free text views included into the layout (from freetext1 to freetext4), this allow you to set the text that should be included (can be a label, or just |
From Custom Watchface plugin v2 (AAPS 3.3), textvalue can be used to include a format string for the other textViews (to use with |
boolean |
true if you want to include raw value in (double). Usefull with |
*Key added in Custom Watchface V2.0 or above (available on AAPS 3.3.0 wear apk or above)
ImageView keys
Key |
type |
comment |
string |
Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only) |
ChartView keys
Key |
type |
comment |
string |
Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only) |
string |
Key values
Key value |
key |
comment |
visibility |
view hidden |
visibility |
view visible in watchface (but visibility can be enable or disable in parameters) |
gravity |
text is vertical and horizontal centered into the view |
gravity |
text is vertical centered but left aligned into the view |
gravity |
text is vertical centered but right aligned into the view |
font |
font |
font |
font |
font |
font |
font |
font |
font |
fontStyle |
fontStyle |
fontStyle |
fontStyle |
DynData keys
Key |
type |
comment |
block |
define the block of all dynamic data blocks that will be used for the views. generally after the last view. |
string |
name of dynamic data to use (generally same that associated view key). |
int |
specify the minimum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if minData is set to 50, all bg values below 50mgdl will be set to 50. |
int |
specify the maximum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if maxData is set to 330, all bg values above 330mgdl will be set to 330. |
block |
Specify the horizontal shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels. |
block |
Specify the vertical shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels. |
block |
Specify the rotation angle in degrees of the view according to min and max values in pixels. |
block |
Specify the dynValue convertion from min and max range to min and max values in pixels. |
int |
result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) |
int |
result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) |
int |
result value to apply to the view if data is invalid (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) |
string |
image1_to_n |
string |
string |
Manage fontColor steps if the data is invalid |
fontColor1_to_n |
string |
Manage fontColor steps |
string |
Manage background color or image color steps if the data is invalid |
color1_to_n |
string |
Manage background color or image Color steps |
int |
Manage text size steps if the data is invalid |
textsize1_to_n |
int |
Manage text size to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with |
int |
Manage leftOffset steps if the data is invalid |
leftOffset1_to_n |
int |
Manage leftOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with |
int |
Manage topOffset steps if the data is invalid |
topOffset1_to_n |
int |
Manage topOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with topOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with topOffsetn |
int |
Manage rotationOffset steps if the data is invalid |
rotationOffset1_to_n |
int |
Manage rotationOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with rotationOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with rotationOffsetn |
string |
Manage textvalue if the data in invalid |
textvalue1_to_n * |
string |
Manage texvalue to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with textvalue1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with textvaluen |
*Key added in Custom Watchface V2.0 or above (available on AAPS 3.3.0 wear apk or above)
DynData key values
Key value |
key |
comment |
valueKey |
default minData = 39 mgdl |
valueKey |
default minData = -1 (Hypo) |
valueKey |
default minData = 1 (double Down) |
valueKey |
default minData = -25 mgdl |
valueKey |
default minData = -25 mgdl |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 (Profile Target) |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 U |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 (Standard Color) |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 % |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 % |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 min |
valueKey |
default minData = 0 min |
valueKey |
default minData = 1 |
valueKey |
default minData = 1 |
valueKey |
default minData = 1 |
valueKey |
default minData = 1 |
*Key added in Custom Watchface V2.0 or above (available on AAPS 3.3.0 wear apk or above)
DynPref keys
Key |
type |
comment |
block |
define the block of all dynamic preference blocks that will be used for the views. Generally after the last view or after the dynData block. |
string |
Within a view Block |
string |
Within a partial dynData Block included into a dynPref Block |
string |
this key is specific to the main block with all main colors (highColor, midColor, lowColor, graph colors…). you will use it if you want to tune main colors according to preferences |
string |
specify the preference key Value that will be used to get user preferences (see PrefKey values below). This key should be used within a |
block |
most preferences will set a boolean |
block |
most preferences will set a boolean |
PrefKey values
All keys included into Preference keys chapter above can be used to tune view parameters
You can also you these additional key below included into AAPS (Custom) specific parameters:
Key |
type |
comment |
boolean |
true: if units selected on AAPS is mgdl |
boolean |
true: to use a dark background |
boolean |
true: divider included into AAPS, AAPS v2 watchfaces will not be visible |