Open preferences by clicking the three-dot menu on the top right side of the home screen.
You can jump directly to preferences for a certain tab (i.e. pump tab) by opening this tab and clicking Plugin preferences.
Sub-menus can be opened by clicking the triangle below the sub-menu title.
With the filter on top of the preferences screen you can quickly access certain preferences. Just start typing part of the text you are looking for.
Set units to mmol/l or mg/dl depending on your preferences.
New option to use phone’s default language (recommended).
In case you want AAPS in a different language than your standard phone language, you can choose from a broad variety.
If you use different languages, you might sometimes see a language mix. This is due to an android issue where overriding the default android language sometimes doesn’t work.
Setting hidden in simple mode.
(preferences-simple-mode)= Simple mode
The simple mode is activated by default when you first install AAPS. In simple mode, a significant amount of settings is hidden and preferences are replaced by predefined values. Additional graphs on the HomePage are also predefined for you. You should switch off Simple mode once you become familiar with AAPS user interface and settings.
Patient name
Can be used if you have to differentiate between multiple setups (i.e. two T1D kids in your family).
Displayed in the Dual Watchface.
Тема оформления
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Можно выбрать одну из четырех тем оформления:
„Low resolution skin“ comes with shorter labels and age/level removed to have more available space on a very low resolution screen.
Difference between the other skins depends on the phone’s display orientation:
Портретная ориентация
Темы Исходная тема оформления и Кнопки всегда в нижней части экрана идентичны
Large Display has an increased height for all graphs compared to other skins
Альбомная ориентация
При использовании Исходной темы оформления и темы Большой экранпридется прокручивать экран вниз, чтобы увидеть кнопки в нижней части экрана
Large Display has an increased height for all graphs compared to other skins
Главный пароль
Mandatory to be able to export settings as they are encrypted from version 2.7.
Biometric protection may not work on OnePlus phones. This is a known issue of OnePlus on some phones.
Защита настроек
Protect your settings with a password or phone’s biometric authentication (i.e. child is using AAPS). If you enable this feature, you will be prompted for authentication each time you want to access any Preferences related view.
Custom password should be used if you want to use master password just for securing exported settings, and use a different one for editing the preferences.
If you are using a custom password click on line «Settings password» to set password as described above.
Защита приложения
If the app is protected, you must enter the password or use the phone’s biometric authentication to open AAPS.
AAPS will shut down immediately if a wrong password is entered - but will still run in background if it was previously opened successfully.
Защита болюсов
Bolus protection might be useful if AAPS is used by a small child and you bolus via SMS.
В примере ниже вы видите запрос на биометрическую защиту. If biometric authentication does not work, click in the space above the white prompt and enter thr master password.
Password and PIN retention
Define how long (in seconds), the preferences or bolus functionalities remain unlocked after you successfully enter the password.
Общие замечания
In the Overview section, you can define the preferences for the home screen.
Не отключать экран
Option „Keep screen on“ will force Android to keep the screen on at all times. This is useful for presentations etc. But it consumes a lot of battery power. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the smartphone to a charger cable.
Мастер быстрых настроек
Create customized buttons for certain standard meals or snacks which will be displayed on the home screen. Useful for standard meals frequently eaten.
For each button, you define the carbs and calculation method for the bolus. Then, you define during which time period the button will be visible on your home screen - just one button per period. The button will not be visible if outside the specified time range or if you have enough IOB to cover the carbs defined in the QuickWizard button. If different times are specified for the different meals you will always have the appropriate standard meal button on the home screen, depending on the time of day.
If you click the quick wizard button AAPS will calculate and propose a bolus for those carbs based on your current ratios (considering blood glucose value or insulin on board if set up).
Это предложение должно быть подтверждено перед подачей инсулина.
Only one QuickWizard button can show up at the same time. If you want to execute a different one : long press on the Quick Wizard button currently showing. It will take you to the list of all Quick Wizard options. To execute one, long press on it. You will have to confirm before execution.
Временные цели по умолчанию
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Temporary targets (TT) allow you to change your blood glucose target for a certain time period. When setting a default TT, you can easily change your target for activity, eating soon etc.
Here you can change the target and the duration for each predefined TT. Preset values are:
Eating soon: target 72 mg/dL / 4.0 mmol/l, duration 45 min
Activity: target 140 mg/dL / 7.8 mmol/l, duration 90 min
Hypo: target 125 mg/dL / 6.9 mmol/l, duration 45 min
Learn how to activate Temp Targets here.
Заполнить стандартное количество инсулина
Setting hidden in simple mode.
If you want to fill the tube or prime cannula through AAPS you can do this through the Actions tab.
В этом диалоге можно задать предустановленные значения. Choose the default amounts of the three buttons in fill/prime dialogue, depending on the length of your catheter.
Диапазон визуализации
Choose the high and low marks for the BG-graph on AAPS overview and smartwatch. It is only the visualization, not the target range for your BG. Example: 70 - 180 mg/dl or 3.9 - 10 mmol/l
сокращенные имена табул
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Useful to see more tab titles on screen.
Например, вкладка „Помощник болюса OpenAPS AMA“ становится „OAPS“, „ЦЕЛЕВЫЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ГК“ становится „ЦЕЛИ“ и т. д.
Показывать поле примечаний в диалогах терапии
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Дает возможность добавить короткие примечания к терапии (мастер болюса, углеводы, инсулин…)
Индикаторы состояния
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Status lights give a visual warning for:
сколько времени отработал сенсор
Sensor battery level for certain smart readers (see screenshots page for details).
сколько времени прошло с момента установки резервуара
об уровне заполнения резервуара (в единицах)
сколько времени прошло с момента установки канюли
Батарея помпы работает… (Возраст батареи помпы)
Уровень заряда батареи помпы (%)
If the warning threshold is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. If the critical threshold is exceeded, values will be shown in red.
The last option allows you to import those settings from Nightscout if defined there. See Nightscout documentation for more information.
Deliver this part of bolus wizard result
Set the default percentage of the bolus calculated when using the bolus wizard.
Default is 100%: no correction. Even when setting a different value here, you can still change each time you use the bolus wizard. If this setting is 75 % and you had to bolus 10U, the bolus wizard will propose a meal bolus of only 7.5 units.
When using SMB, many people do not meal-bolus 100% of needed insulin, but only a part of it (e.g. 75 %) and let the SMB with UAM (Unattended Meal Detection) do the rest. Using a value lower than 100% here can be useful:
for people with slow digestion: sending all the bolus upfront can cause hypo because the insulin action is faster than the digestion.
to leave more room to AAPS to deal by itself with BG rise. In both cases, AAPS will compensate for the missing part of the bolus with SMBs, if/when deemed adequate.
Enabled bolus advisor
Setting hidden in simple mode.
When enabled, when you use the bolus wizard as you are in hyperglycemia, you will get a warning, prompting you if you wish to pe-bolus and eat later, when your BG gets back in range.
Enabled bolus reminder
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Расширенные настройки (обзор)
Setting hidden in simple mode.
Опция для включения суперболюса в мастере.
Суперболюс - это идея «заимствовать» некоторое количество инсулина от базальной скорости следующих двух часов, чтобы предотвратить резкие пики. It is different from super micro bolus!
Use with caution and do not enable it until you learn what it really does. Basically, the basal for the next two hours is added to the bolus and a two hour zero-temp activated. AAPS looping functions will be disabled - so use with care! If you use SMB AAPS looping functions will be disabled according to your settings in «Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to», if you do not use SMB looping functions will be disabled for two hours. Details on super bolus can be found here.
Безопасность терапии
Тип пациента
Ограничения безопасности устанавливаются на основе возраста, который вы выбираете в этом параметре.
Если вы начинаете достигать верхних ограничений (как например максимальный болюс) пора подняться на один шаг вверх (например, от ребенка перейти к подростку - прим. перев.).
It’s a bad idea to select higher than real age because it can lead to overdosing by entering the wrong value in the insulin dialog (by skipping the decimal dot, for example).
If you want to know the actual numbers for these hard-coded safety limits, scroll to the algorithm feature you are using on this page.
Max allowed bolus
Defines the maximum amount of bolus insulin, in insulin units, that AAPS is allowed to deliver at once.
Эта настройка существует как ограничение безопасности для предотвращения подачи чрезмерного болюса из-за случайного ввода или ошибки пользователя.
Рекомендуется установить это значение как разумный предел, приблизительно соответствующий максимальному количеству болюсного инсулина, который вы когда-либо можете подать на еду или на коррекцию.
Это ограничение также налагается на результаты калькулятора болюса.
Max allowed carbs
Defines the maximum amount of carbs, in grams, that AAPS bolus calculator is allowed to dose for.
Эта настройка существует как ограничение безопасности для предотвращения подачи чрезмерного болюса из-за случайного ввода или ошибки пользователя.
Рекомендуется установить это значение как разумный предел, приблизительно соответствующий максимальному количеству углеводов, которые вам когда-либо понадобится на еду.
Замкнутый цикл
Режим APS
Switch between Open Loop, Closed Loop and Low Glucose Suspend (LGS).
Open Loop
AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG…) and makes treatment suggestions (temporary basal rates) on how to adjust your therapy if necessary.
The suggestions will not be executed automatically (as in closed loop). The suggestions have to be enacted by the user manually into the pump (if using virtual pump) or by using a button if AAPS is connected to a real pump.
This option is for getting to know how AAPS works or if you are using an unsupported pump. You will be in Open Loop, no matter what choice you make here, until the end of Objective 5.
Closed Loop
AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG…) and automatically adjusts the treatment if necessary (i.e. without further intervention by you) to reach the set target range or value (bolus delivery, temporary basal rate, insulin switch-off to avoid hypo etc.).
The Closed Loop works within numerous safety limits, which can be set individually.
Closed Loop is only possible if you are in Objective 6 or higher and use a supported pump.
Low Glucose Suspend (LGS)
In this mode, maxIOB is set to zero.
This means that if blood glucose is dropping, AAPS can reduce the basal for you. But if blood glucose is rising, no automatic correction will be made. Your basal rates will remain the same as defined in your current Profile. Only if basal IOB is negative (from a previous Low Glucose Suspend) additional insulin will be given to lower BG.
Minimal request change
When using Open loop, you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends adjusting the basal rate. To reduce the number of notifications you can either use a wider bg target range or increase the percentage of the minimal request rate. Он определяет относительное изменение, необходимое для активации уведомления.
Улучшенный ассистент приема пищи (AMA) или Супер Микро Болюс (SMB)
Depending on your settings in Config builder > APS you can choose between two algorithms:
Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA) - state of the algorithm in 2017
Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners
As of AAPS version 3.3, Dynamic ISF feature has been moved as part of OpenAPS SMB.
All the settings for OpenAPS AMA are described in the dedicated section in Key AAPS Features > Advanced Meal Assist (AMA).
All the settings for OpenAPS SMB are described in the dedicated section in Key AAPS Features > Super Micro Bolus (SMB).
Настройки усваиваемости
Setting hidden in simple mode.
The algorithm uses BGI (blood glucose impact) to determine when carbs are absorbed.
At times when carb absorption can’t be dynamically worked out based on your blood’s reactions, AAPS inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. This value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity “uses up” all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB.
Говоря по-простому, алгоритм «знает» как должна вести себя ГК при воздействии дозы инсулина и т. п. При положительном отклонении от ожидаемого поведения некоторые углеводы поглощаются/исчезают. Большие изменения=много углеводов и т. д.
По умолчанию величина min_5m_carbimpact определяет поглощение углеводов за 5 минут. Дополнительную информацию см. в документации OpenAPS.
Стандартное значение для AMA 5, для SMB это 8.
График COB на главном экране показывает, когда используется min_5m_impact в виде оранжевого круга в верхней части.
Meal max absorption time
Если вы часто едите блюда с высоким содержанием жиров или белка, вам следует увеличить время усвоения пищи.
Расширенные настройки - коэффициент autosens
Define min. and max. autosens ratio.
Обычно стандартные значения (макс. 1.2 и мин. 0.7) не должны меняться.
BT Watchdog
Activate BT watchdog if necessary (e.g. for Dana pumps). It switches off bluetooth for one second if no connection to the pump is possible. This may help on some phones where the bluetooth stack freezes.
Настройки помпы
The options here will vary depending on which pump driver you have selected in Config Builder > Pump. Pair and set your pump up according to the pump related instructions.
More information on the dedicated Tidepool page.
клиент NS
Оригинальный протокол коммуникации, может использоваться с более ранними версиями Nightscout.
Создайте свой сайт Nightscout URL (напр. https://yoursitename.yourplaform.dom).
Убедитесь, что URL-адрес БЕЗ /api/v1/ в конце.
API secret (12-значный пароль записан в переменных Nightscout).
This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS.
Если вы застряли на Цели 1, еще раз проверьте поля с адресом и паролем на наличие опечаток.
Клиент NSV3
New protocol introduced with AAPS 3.2. Safer and more efficient.
V3 data uploaders
When using NSClientV3, all uploaders must be using the API V3. Since most are not compatible yet, this means you must let AAPS upload all data (BG, treatments, …) to Nightscout and disable all other uploaders if they’re not V3 compliant.
Создайте свой сайт Nightscout URL (напр. https://yoursitename.yourplaform.dom).
Убедитесь, что URL-адрес БЕЗ /api/v1/ в конце.
In Nightscout, create an Admin token (requires Nightscout 15 to use the V3 API) and enter it in the NS access token (not your API Secret!).
This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS.
Если вы застряли на Цели 1, еще раз проверьте поля с адресом и паролем на наличие опечаток.
Оставьте Подключение к websocket включенным (рекомендуется).
Synchronization choices will depend on the way you will want to use AAPS.
You can select which data you want to upload and download to or from Nightscout.
Опции оповещения
Опции звуковых оповещений позволяют выбрать оповещения Nightscout по умолчанию для использования через приложение. AAPS will alarm when a Nightscout alarm triggers.
Для того, чтобы работали оповещения, следует настроить значения переменных для Чрезвычайно Высокой, Высокой, Низкой и Чрезвычайно Низкой ГК в переменных Nightscout.
Они будут работать только во время подключения к Nightscout и предназначены для родителей/опекунов.
If you have the CGM source on your phone (i.e. xDrip+ or BYODA) then use those alarms instead of Nightscout Alarms.
Create notifications from Nightscout announcements will echo Nightscout announcements in the AAPS notifications bar.
Вы можете изменять порог срабатывания оповещений при отсутствии данных от Nightscout в течение определенного времени.
Параметры подключения
Настройки подключения определяют, когда включено соединение с Nightscout.
Ограничьте загрузку в Nightscout только через Wi-Fi или даже через Wi-Fi SSID.
If you want to use only a specific Wi-Fi network you can enter its Wi-Fi SSID.
Несколько идентификаторов SSID разделяются точкой с запятой.
Чтобы удалить все SSID оставьте поле пустым.
Расширенные настройки (Клиент NS)
Options in advanced settings are self-explanatory.
More information on the dedicated SMS Commands page.
Select which location service shall be used:
Use passive location: AAPS only takes locations if other apps are requesting it
Использовать расположение сети: расположение вашего Wifi
Используйте локатор GPS (Внимание! Может привести к чрезмерной разрядке аккумулятора!)
Локальные оповещения
Настройки самоочевидны.
Параметры обслуживания
Email recipient: Standard recipient of logs is logs@aaps.app.
Data Choices
You can help develop AAPS further by sending crash reports to the developers.
Unattended Settings Export
By enabling this feature, you allow AAPS to execute settings exports without user intervention. For this the master password is securely stored on your phone (only) at the next manually export. The stored password will be used for up to 4 weeks. After 4 weeks you will be notified the password is about to expire. During a grace period of 1 week, the password can then be refreshed by manually exporting settings from the maintenance menu.
After the grace period of 1 week has passed the stored password expires and any automated settings export will abort while notifying the user, asking to reenter the password. (Automated settings exports) will be logged to the AAPS „Careportal“ and „User entry“ lists under Treatments.
After enabling this option, make sure to perform a manual settings export, where you will be requested for your password, so that AAPS can store it.
(preferences-maintenance-logdirectory)= Maintenance settings also include the AAPS directory, which can be found directly under the Maintenance tab. This setting allows the user to choose a directory on their phone where AAPS will store preferences, logs, and other files.
Проект Open Humans
Вы можете помочь науке, поделившись данными с исследовательскими проектами! Details are described on the Open Humans page.
In Preferences, you can define when data shall be uploaded
only if connected to Wi-Fi
только при зарядке